Workshops & Training

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide customized solutions in the area of intra- and interpersonal skills through training, coaching and consulting for businesses, community organizations and schools. We accomplish this through assessment, research, experience and our unique training styles.
We partner with highly committed corporations, non-profits and learning institutions to deliver thorough consultation, transformational training, and extended coaching, in order to create high impact engagement and long-lasting skill-building.

“Kim is a true master of her craft!  She  connects easily with her audience, making them feel welcome and safe. Kim has presented and run trainings on Trauma, Choice Theory and Multiculturalism at Citron Hennessey Therapy. The feedback from our clinicians is they leave wanting more. Kim embodies the philosophy of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy, which is what makes her such a good teacher, mentor and presenter.  She is not only a colleague but has become a friend.  We highly recommend her.” – Leonard Citron & Ben Hennessey

Training Solutions for Businesses, Schools and Community Organizations

We deliver high-quality workshops for your business, community organization or school” and can also help you develop personalized workplace solutions that meet your individual needs.

All of our workshops are available as a keynote, 90-min, 2-hr, or ½ or full day options. Our topics cover a wide range of areas, including:

Click on title for more information on each topic.

Olver International will never use a hard sell with you. We will not bully or guilt you into a purchase. This is our pledge. You are 100% safe to talk with us.

Our Programs Are Aligned with Our Core Values

Mental Freedom®

Mental Freedom® is a special psychoeducational brand of coaching that helps clients take responsibility for what is theirs, while letting go of what is not, learn to trust everyone for one special thing and change the damaging stories in their head. Clients then develop the skills to pay attention to the early painful signals from their bodies and emotions. And later, to transform that pain into something neutral, and maybe even positive, by finding the GLOW in every situation. All of this is accomplished in six sessions. Learn to open your heart, free your mind and transform your life.

Choice Theory and Reality Therapy

Choice Theory is actually an explanation of all human behavior developed by Dr. William Glasser.
Choice Theory pretty much rids us of the idea that people are “misbehaving.” All anyone is doing is their best attempt to get something they want. Of course, in the process, they may break laws, disregard rules and hurt others but those are really side effects of doing the best they know how to get their needs met. We are all doing our best—some of us simply have better tools, resources and behaviors at our disposal than others.
If we embrace Choice Theory’s concepts, then our function should be more to educate and help others self-evaluate the effectiveness of their own behavior. Know that often they will continue to do things exactly as they have because it’s familiar and/or because what they are doing really is getting them something they want. It is not our job to stop them, nor is it our job to rescue them from the consequences of their own behavior.

Are you Interested in Becoming a Coach?

Coaching is different from therapy, counseling, mentoring, or consulting. It is a discrete skill, designed to ask a client Socratic questions that will lead them to their desired outcomes. Adding coaching to your skill set can help you improve and expand your already established expertise.

The Academy Of Choice coaching program is about training people to take responsibility for their own happiness and success by putting their time and energy into the things they control, rather than the things they don’t. Our revolutionary process is not just a coaching technique, it is a lens through which you learn to view the world and possibly a way you choose to live your life. Many programs casually talk about change coming from within, but our process shows you the transformation step-by-step so you can live it and then show others the way.

Our Team of Trainers

Kim Olver


Kim Olver, M.S., LCPC, NCC, BCC has been “counseling” people since the fifth grade, when the other kids from school would call her for advice. It was no surprise to anyone that she went on to study psychology, and then, obtained her masters in counseling because this was clearly her passion and purpose. Her mission is to eradicate all self-created misery on the planet with Mental Freedom. She is the award-winning author of Secrets of Happy Couples and Choosing Me Now, and an expert on Choice Theory® psychology. She also co-authored Leveraging Diversity at Work with Sylvester Baugh and authored, A Choice Theory Psychology Guide to Relationships for the Choice Theory series produced by Brian Lennon in Ireland. Her forthcoming book, Mental Freedom will be published in January 2024. She is also recognized as an international transformational speaker, having spoken on all continents except Antarctica, and has appeared in 14 different countries and throughout the United States. As a leading expert of Choice Theory, she has taught thousands of people Dr. William Glasser’s Choice Theory principles and Reality Therapy techniques around the globe. She was certified in 1992, became faculty in 1993, became a Basic Instructor in 1999 and Senior Faculty in 2007.

Marcus Gentry


Marcus Gentry is the President of Marcus Gentry & Associates. Marcus Gentry is a Professional Speaker, Training Specialist, Thought Leader and a recognized Subject Matter Expert in the area of personal and professional development. Mr. Gentry is known for developing “The 10 Pillars of Respect” and his strategic use of Socratic Reasoning as a tool to help lead his audiences to experience a conscious awakening for action. For over 35 years Marcus Gentry has been helping individuals, families and organizations to discover the hidden anchors that keeps them from reaching their peak potential and to create new habits for overcoming life’s obstacles. Mr. Gentry is a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor and continues registered as an approved contractor for the Federal Government (SAM). Mr. Gentry has also served for the past 9 years as a Consultant and Cadre speaker for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (OSD) for reserve affairs. Mr. Gentry continues to develop partnerships and customized training modules in order to best assist in providing services for Corporate management trainings, Military readiness programs, School Systems, Health Care facilities and community groups.
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Coach trainer female

Terri Winfree


Before her appointment as the Executive Director of the Chicago Southland Chamber of Commerce (CSCC), Dr. Terri L. Winfree served as the President of Prairie State College (PSC) in Chicago Heights, Ill. She began her presidency in 2013 when she became the first woman and first PSC graduate to be named president of the college. Dr. Winfree has served in leadership positions with numerous organizations and has served on several boards, including the CSCC, and multiple committees across the state and region. Dr. Winfree is also an adjunct faculty member at Governors State University and at the University of Illinois, Springfield where she teaches numerous classes including: Leading through Crisis and Change, Restorative Justice, Strategic Communication, International Peace Initiatives, and Developing the Leader Within. She also is a John Maxwell Certified Speaker, Coach, and Trainer. Dr. Winfree holds a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Communication Studies/Human Performance and Training from Governors State University and a Ph.D. in Education and Human Resources from Colorado State University.

Sylvester Baugh


Sylvester Baugh is the Director of Baugh Training & Consulting (BTC) in Illinois. Sylvester has assisted a variety of educational institutions in developing and sustaining a quality culture. For over 35 years, Sylvester has dedicated his life to serving and improving others. Sylvester provides trainings and workshops in the areas of, Cultural Awareness, Managing Conflict, Effective Leadership, Team Building, Diversity and much more. He co-authored the book, Leveraging Diversity at Work, How to Hire, Retain and Inspire a Diverse Workforce for Peak Performance and Profit and he is the author of the book, Puzzled, but NOT Confused. How to obtain and maintain quality relationships. Prior to the tragedy of 9/11/01, he worked with United Airlines in the area of Diversity Management. Sylvester’s a dynamic, stimulating, inspirational presenter. His message is life changing and inspiring.

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Coach trainer

Darnell Baugh


Darnell Baugh, has over twenty years experience in Higher Education. His professional background includes administration/management and teaching. As Associate Dean of Students, his responsibilities included student housing and part-time employment programs, mediation, judicial affairs, and providing advising services to international, non traditional, and at-risk students.

Who we’ve worked with

Book Kim for speaking

Olver International has a cadre of speakers that bring excellence, excitement and expertise to your events. Whether you are looking for a keynote speaker, a workshop provider, trainer or certification, Olver International has the right speaker for you. We mostly provide educational topics in the areas of people, human capital and soft skills. Our most requested topics are: Mental Freedom®; Choice Theory; Reality Therapy; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Balanced and Restorative Justice; Leadership; Crisis Intervention; Post-Traumatic Growth; and Choosing Me Now, Stress Management, Anger Management and Addiction and Recovery.

We do not think of ourselves as motivational speakers, instead we are informational speakers. We provide information that will hopefully motivate the audience, but motivation is an inside job. It is up to people to motivate themselves. We will provide them the information and the tools to make big changes in their lives, if they want to make them.
You may have had prior experiences in the past where people get fired up following an event due to new information, but then forward movement slows to a halt. We don’t ever want that to happen to you again. Anytime you hire Olver International for your event, we will also provide you a quote on combining the information with coaching to cement the changes into sustained, repeatable action. Training plus our coaching option gets you greater success for your investment.

Quotes from Kim’s trainings: