Boys and Girls learn differently
This presentation is for pre-school and elementary school teachers about to facilitate learning equally for boys and girls in the classroom. Knowing the differences and how boys and girls learn and behave, can assist teachers in providing instruction that benefits all students on the gender continuum.
Building Self Esteem
In this course, participants will learn skills for building self-esteem. There will be a general overview of understanding ways to acknowledge your strengths and areas to improve. Participants will take assessments and learn how to use the outcomes for their next steps. They will also learn how to overcome negative thinking and set a realistic plan for themselves.

Communication: Can You Hear Me Now?
This class defines the critical components of effective communication and allows participants to self-reflect on the effectiveness of their communication skills. This class also helps participants understand how to build connections and offers tips on how to listen effectively.
Conditions of Quality
Whenever you are responsible for a group of people and you meet with resistance, whether the system is a classroom of students, group therapy, employees in the workplace or children in a family you can run through the checklist of conditions of quality to see where you can improve your approach.
Conflict Resolution series (3-part series)
1. Part I Introduction & Internal Conflict:
This session introduces participants to various components of this series and their relevance,
followed by discussion of common barriers to conflict resolution, the consequences of inaction when
there is a conflict, and how to identify and successfully manage internal conflict.
2. Part II External Conflict:
This session addresses successful management strategies for both personal and professional life
experiences. This is designed to assist in acquiring resolution when we have a conflict with someone,
or when someone has a conflict with us. This session allows for a discussion of ways to communicate
differently for each scenario and how to best help others implement these same practices.
3. Part III Observed Conflict & Aggressive Intruder:
This session has been customized to provide the audience with information to create the best
outcome, should they find themselves in the presence of individuals involved in an aggressive
conflict, an aggressive intruder, or an Active shooter event (ASE). This is not intended to replace a full
ASE training but to highlight and discuss best practices should you find yourself in either of the above
Consequences: Positive, Negative or Neutral
Discriminate between discipline and punishment while realizing the most effective methods to use so your children learn what you want them to learn. You will discuss natural, imposed, logical and unrelated consequences while practicing conversations that develop self-regulation & self-discipline in your children.
Creating a Need Satisfying Classroom OR Manage your class with Basic Needs
This workshop is about building classroom environment and culture, you the teacher as well as your students can all get your 5 basic needs met within the classroom. These 5 basics include safety, connection, significance, freedom & joy. When you and your students can meet your needs in the classroom, discipline problems all but disappear and real discovery learning can take place.

Crisis Management
If you are looking for ways to defuse crisis in the workplace, this presentation hits the mark. Understanding that crisis provides both danger and an opportunity helps people stay calm while searching for the opportunity. Learn how to prevent, intervene, and afterwards process crises. Practice using defusing anger skills in negotiating differences will be provided.
Crisis Intervention Strategies: S.C.R.E.A.M (WHAT TO DO WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS)
Participants will understand specific steps to manage the emotional energy which has built up because of periods of high stress, ongoing anger or when traditional coping methods may be exhausted or ineffective. Learn multiple tools to put into practice immediately for both personal and professional benefit.
Effective Board Meetings
Participants will learn best practices for running meetings. Effective meetings are will save time, increase motivation, productivity, and solve problems. Meetings create new ideas and initiatives.
Effective Leadership
This is a workshop that is designed for anyone who operates in a leadership capacity. We look at some common mistakes that leaders (parents, teachers, etc) make and I introduce an approach that minimizes resistance and increases compliance. The moral of staff is greatly improved after attending this workshop.
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect
Participants will learn what could change in their lives if they develop as a better communicator. They will learn what effectiveness they could add to their lives, both personally and professionally, as a better communicator. By connecting better, you could make a greater impact in your relationships and in your career. The ability to connect with others is a major determining factor in reaching your full potential.
How to Balance Work, School & Life
Do you find that there is not enough time in the day? Do you feel like you are over-committed? This workshop, unfortunately, does not help you find more time in your day. We only get 24 hours in each day, but it does help you manage your priorities, so the most important things are done first

Leadership Development
The goal for this training is to help participants understand how influence works and use it as a starting point for learning how to lead more effectively. Each lesson is designed to help participants acquire skills and abilities that further develop people as leaders. The target audience is general, and all are welcome to participate. People should not wait until they are in a leadership position to learn how to lead; they should be preparing in advance. Leadership is used in the workplace, in the home, and in the community and this course will be relevant to all.
Leading Through Crisis
This is a time for reflective discussion on defining a crisis and includes discussion about how to distinguish between good and bad leaders and battling distractions during a crisis. We discuss things like mind 14 Copyright © Coaching for Excellence, LLC. All Rights Reserved wandering, negative thinking, and uncertain anxiety. We will discuss staying in constant communication with your team, delegating responsibilities to other leaders, and how to make sure that you think about and make decisions that align with your values. Participants will learn, “What is the difference between uncertain and unclear?” and “What does clarity from leadership mean during times of crisis?”
Presentation Skills
In this course, participants will learn skills for effective presentations. There will be a general overview of presentation types and topic selection. Participants will learn how to organize a speech and/or presentation and tips for delivery. They will also learn how to prepare for a presentation, overcome fear and anxiety. Participants will learn to improve their delivery style and become a better presenter
Problem Solving and Decision Making
This is a short workshop that offers tools for making difficult decisions. Problem-solving skills are exceedingly important for business, as well as your personal life. We cover the following topics: decisionmaking process, pros and cons and weighted decision-making methods, complex problems and decisions and how failing to prepare is the same as preparing to fail.
Quality School Culture
Creating a culture in your school or classroom that aspires to have satisfied teachers, happy students, and joyful productive learning simultaneously. The elements of this culture include creating a need-satisfying env, strong interpersonal relationships, reasonable student guidelines, productive class meetings, use Socratic questions instead of punishment, competency-based learning and a self-eval process.

Relationship Connection (keynote)
This keynote is about the importance of relationship with your students.
Working with Challenging Students
Do you find yourself with students that cause unhappiness, frustration, or even anger? This presentation explains why those things happen and what you can do about it.