Empowerment Parenting

Empowerment Parenting Curriculum

Teaching Court-Mandated Parents to Get Their Needs Met in a Responsible Way while Teaching their Children to also Meet their Needs Responsibly

Then the new Empowerment Parenting™ Curriculum is for you!

Empowerment Parenting™ is based on the evolutionary process called InsideOut Empowerment which has a firm foundation in Dr. William Glasser’s time-tested, proven Choice Theory® concepts. Empowerment Parenting lets mandated parents know they have been doing the best parenting they knew how to do under the circumstances with the information they had available to them. Empowerment Parenting is designed to provide parents with the information they need to perhaps do it better so social service agencies will “get off their backs.”
Empowerment Parenting is different because it helps parents see the benefit in parenting differently. People do not change because someone in authority tells them they must. In fact, many people when told what to do will often do the exact opposite to prove their independence. This produces a counter-productive situation. In Empowerment Parenting, the trainer learns to align with parents’ natural resistance to being told they need to improve their parenting skills. Once aligned, the parent can hear the information differently—taking what will be helpful and at least giving it a try. When parents see how the techniques in this program work with their own children, they will be eager to learn more.
Kim Olver
My name is Kim Olver, licensed clinical professional counselor and certified life coach. In 1987, I was hired at a specialized foster care agency to serve children and foster families who were caring for the children of parents who were unable to do so effectively. Some parents were sick, some were abusive, some were victims/perpetrators of domestic violence, some had addictions, others were involved in criminal behavior, among other issues. As a young woman in the helping professions a brief time, it was easy to care for the children and support the foster families but it wasn’t as easy to see the biological parents in a charitable way.
While working at this agency, I was exposed to the ideas of Dr. William Glasser’s Choice Theory and Reality Therapy. I found both of these tools incredibly useful in my work with foster families and foster children. The suggestions I shared with foster families worked to help children make better decisions regarding their own lives.
Then in 1999, my personal world was rocked when my own husband died from leukemia, leaving me two teenage boys to raise by myself. We had a typical marriage where he acted as the disciplinarian and I was more of a permissive mom. It soon became obvious to me that I could not continue to parent in a permissive way and still expect my children to turn into responsible adults. I had to do something different but I didn’t think my husband’s strict dictator style of parenting was something I wanted to do either. Hence Empowerment Parenting was born.
I worked out in my home how to balance getting my needs met while helping my children meet theirs. I learned how to set expectations and guide my children back to responsible behavior when they didn’t meet those expectations. I learned how to support and encourage them, while also sharing my vision for their lives. Negotiation was a big part of those teenage years and there were times when non-negotiables had to be enforced. There was no negotiation when safety was an issue. I was attempting to keep my children safe and they were trying desperately to grow up and be independent and powerful, things that often were in direct conflict with my desire to keep them safe. Both are equally important.
As a parenting expert in the greater Chicago area, I was approached my Cook County Probation to create a 25-hour parenting curriculum for their probation officers to teach probationers that were court-ordered to parenting classes. It was just launched with Cook County in September, 2012 and you can get this curriculum here.
Empowerment Parenting is organized as ten 2.5 hour sessions, typically delivered one or two weeks apart. The information is presented with the perfect balance of empowering information, humor and empathy.
Group relationship - olver

Session One: Empowerment Parenting – Getting Your Needs Met while Helping Your Children Meet Theirs

In session one, parents are greeted in a positive way. There is time spent to help them buy into the agenda of Empowerment Parenting. Knowing they have been court-ordered to attend, wouldn’t they like to find at least one thing they could use that might help their families or someone they know? They learn the definitions of family, family system, and Empowerment Parenting.
They learn about the five basic human needs of survival, connection, significance, freedom and enjoyment and complete an activity to bring this point home. Parents discuss the difference between getting their needs met in effective ways versus getting them met in effective, responsible ways.

Parents discuss how to create a need-satisfying environment in their home and how to motivate older children to want to meet their needs responsibly when away from their parents. Parents discuss the inherent conflict between parents and their children—a parent’s need to keep his or her children safe and children’s needs for connection, significance, freedom and enjoyment are often at cross purposes.
Elements of effective communication are discussed, as well as the seven destructive relationship habits and the seven healthy relationship habits.

Session Two: Empowerment Parenting – Parent’s Needs and Challenges

In this session, parents work in groups to discover what needs are met for people who engage in criminal activity, substance abuse, domestic violence and child abuse. Parents are not villainized, but rather are taught to understand the motivations behind these behaviors. Once this occurs, healing can begin and people can begin to choose different ways to meet those same needs more responsibly, without breaking rules, breaking the law or hurting anyone, including themselves.
Parents are also taught stress management in Session Two. Stressing is also need satisfying and there are behaviors and thought processes that can help reduce the experience of stress. Parents participate in exercises to learn some of these stress management techniques.
Small girl

Session Three: Children’s Needs and Challenges at Different Ages and Stages

During this session, parents will complete need strength assessments for each of their children. The developmental model of the needs will be discussed. Parents will distinguish the difference between discipline and punishment.
Parents will develop family rules to accommodate the different ages and maturity of each of their children. Finally, participants will brainstorm the possible effects child abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse and parental criminal activity have on children.
Relations with Baby girl and Lady

Session Four: Empowerment Parenting – Parenting Styles

In this session, parents will compare their need strength profiles with the profiles of each of their children to determine where there is compatibility and where there will likely be conflict. In each of the conflict areas, parents will develop plans to prevent or solve this conflict. Parents will distinguish between three types of parents—the dictator parent, the permissive parent and the empowered parent. They will also evaluate what their parenting style currently is and the style they would like it to be.
Parents will make a distinction between fear & obedience versus respect. And they will discuss the concept that behavior is not the problem; it is a symptom of an underlying cause of either not enough accurate information, conflicting values, unmet desires, or frustrated needs.

Session Five: Empowerment Parenting – The Need for Survival

In this session, parents discuss the importance of parental bonding with their infants and children. Proper nutrition is taught and health & safety concerns are identified and discussed. A system for preventing child abuse and neglect is systematically developed. Parents will also learn how to budget, how to balance their budget and how to save and invest for their family’s future.

Session Six: The Cooperative Needs – Connection and Enjoyment

In this session, parents discuss the importance of creating need-satisfying relationships with their children. Parents are not their child’s best friend, but parents need to create relationships where their children feel safe, connected, important, independent and can have fun with their parent. Parents will review the healthy relationship habits.
Parents will plan to have individual quality time with each of their children. Active and relaxing enjoyment will be differentiated. Parents will examine their children’s choices of need satisfaction when their parents are not present.
Painting Girl - olver
Parents will distinguish between the five different love languages, while differentiating theirs and each of their children’s. Parents will practice a model for family meetings and will role play a family meeting to discuss creation of family rules. The importance of parental role modeling will be emphasized.

Session Seven: The Competitive Needs – Significance and Freedom

This session is devoted to anger management. Parents learn about what anger actually is and their triggers. The physical consequences and collateral damage of anger is discussed. Parents will practice anger management techniques.
Parents will plan ways to prevent child abuse. They will read a story to their children that educates them as to good touch, bad touch and secret touch. The story encourages children to tell the person reading them the story when anyone touches them and tells them to keep it a secret. Stress management techniques from Session Two are also reviewed in this session.
Father and son

Session Eight: Empowerment Parenting – The Inherent Conflict

This session revisits the age-old conflict between parents and children. Parents are trying to keep their children safe while their children are trying to explore their world in ways that often puts them at risk. The origin of power struggles is discussed and parents participate in an exercise that illustrates the futility of power struggles. Parents then practice how to negotiate sensitive situations with their children.

Session Nine: Empowerment Parenting – Teaching Self-Discipline

This is the session where parents learn and practice the questions that lead children to self-evaluate the effectiveness of their own behavior. Parents will learn how to stop lecturing and start asking their children if their current behavior actually gets them what they want or is there a better way. This session is spent practicing using questions with their children when their children are doing things the parents don’t necessarily like.

Session Ten: Empowerment Parenting – Review and Plan

In this final session, the parents will pair up and review each section of the curriculum up to this point. They end with making a specific plan of the areas they plan to change to improve their parenting skills.
In this final session, the parents will pair up and review each section of the curriculum up to this point. They end with making a specific plan of the areas they plan to change to improve their parenting skills.
Painting Girl - olver

What makes Empowerment Parenting different?

Because of the way this training is presented to parents, it decreases their resistance and increases compliance. Your trainers become partners with the parents they teach. Parents feel supported and understood, rather than lectured and judged. This training models how parents also partner with their children in helping both parents and children get their needs met. When needs aren’t met effectively and responsibly, both children and parents will find less responsible ways of getting those needs met. Empowerment Parenting really focuses on the issue. It’s equally important for both parents and children to get their needs met. Bad things happen when someone goes with unmet needs over a period of time. Empowerment Parenting teaches parents how to avoid this for both themselves and their children.

“This information is easy enough for any parent to understand.”— Dwayne Jones, Cook County Probation Officer

This curriculum is designed for you to have immediate success. The 363-page guide is detailed enough for you to be successful your first time out. There are step-by-step instructions, as well as explanations, for each of the ten sessions you will be facilitating. You will be able to begin teaching immediately. There is facilitator training available, but it’s not mandatory.

Olver International will never use a hard sell with you. We will not bully or guilt you into a purchase. This is our pledge. You are 100% safe to talk with us.

The Empowerment Parenting curriculum package includes:

You receive this entire Empowerment Parenting curriculum package for just $997 plus shipping & handling. Imagine the ripple effect there will be! You teach 20 parents, they parent their 40 children better. Those 40 children grow up to parent their children in a more empowering way and so on . . . There is no end to the influence you can have on future generations!

Empowerment Parenting is backed by over 30 years of study and 38 years of parenting. Empowerment Parenting as a parenting curriculum is brand new but the foundational principles have been time-tested and properly researched and are solid.

Many organizations have been teaching parenting skills to court-mandated parents for years with curriculum that is outdated. Parenting is not the same as it was generations ago. Children and society are not the same as previous generations. Curriculums need to be updated and Empowerment Parenting is cutting edge
You pay only $997 and you have an updated, effective parenting curriculum that will truly make a difference. Training is optional so you will not incur any additional travel costs unless you want to invest in training to take your facilitators to an even higher level. Is it worth $997 to have an updated, effective parenting program that can save future generations from dangerous parenting practices?
I have worked in the non-profit world for over 30 years and realize how tight budgets are. And if they weren’t tight before, they have become even tighter in the past few years. I know you are constantly being required to do more and more with less and less. It can feel overwhelming at times. Here is a solution to that problem.
Buy the Empowerment Parenting Curriculum package one time and you will have everything you need to conduct parenting classes well into the future. It was created so facilitators would not need additional training unless they want to enhance their skill level and delivery. Make a one-time investment that will pay off for years in the future. It is important to me that parents learn the information in this class. After seeing what parents who don’t know better are capable of doing to their children, I wanted to create a product that is attainable for non-profits and deliverable without large expense. Together we can help parents learn a better way.
This curriculum could easily cost $1497. The value of being able to reproduce your own workbooks is a huge savings. If you had to order workbooks from me, they would sell for $14.97 so that would be $292.40 every time you ran a class of 20. But because you get the electronic PDF, you can eliminate that cost.
Many businesses have membership sites that cost $47/month but our Facebook community is offered free to anyone who buys and uses our curriculum. Over the course of a year, you are saving $564!

And because training is not required, you are saving $497 per training facilitator. So pay $997 one time and save thousands  of dollars in future costs.

Perhaps you can partner with another agency in town providing parenting classes for court-mandated clients and split the cost of the curriculum. If you are an organization with multiple offices, just buy one curriculum and share it with the others.

In addition to everything already mentioned, you will also receive:

One hour free consultation with Kim on the material in the curriculum valued at $250. It can be used in as little as 10-minute sessions until your hour has been completed. If you have questions about the curriculum or come across a situation you didn’t know how to address, schedule a time to talk with Kim and she will provide you helpful guidance. You can call as many times as you like until your hour is exhausted. After that, the cost is $150/hour for parenting facilitators.


We are so certain you are going to love the results you see with this curriculum, that if after teaching a class and taking advantage of your one-hour consultation with Kim, you are not completely satisfied, simply let us know of your dissatisfaction with your suggestions for improving the program and we will refund the full cost you paid for the curriculum AND you still get to keep the curriculum with our compliments for trying our product.

So now that you have nothing to lose, get started right away by clicking the Buy Now button below and you will receive your materials within ten (10) days.