RaiMana Coaching & Leadership institute (www.rai-mana.com) in cooperation with Olver International provides choice coaching certificate program in Iran. This certificate program has been designed and developed with the aim of empowering counselors, psychologists, teachers, managers, sports coaches and all those who want to do professional and scientific coaching. This certification program helps coaches become professional and competent enough to be able to provide quality coaching services to those who are seeking excellence in their life and professional endeavors. We have three main coaching certificate programs; life, executive and youth.  

Youth coaching certificate program has been designed and developed with the aim of empowering counselors, psychologists, teachers, sports coaches and all those who do professional work with teenagers aged 12-18. The integrated adolescent coaching psychology program tries to help adolescent coaches provide the best services appropriate to the adolescent period in order to achieve a positive identity, independency, relationship improvement with peers, finding and choosing academic and career interests, recognizing individual beliefs and needs; Facilitate and pass through adolescence by determining adult life prospects.

Adolescent coaching program:  https://rai-mana.com/basic-qualification-in-youth-coaching/

Academy of Choice coaching program:  https://rai-mana.com/life-coaching/