Writers Corner - Authors Corner Book Publishing
Do you have a book in you? I frequently run into people who tell me they are writing a book, want to write a book publishing, or have other people telling them they should write a book. The word author comes from the word authority. Writing a book places you as a perceived authority in your field. And that’s a great place to be.
The challenge often occurs when authors or aspiring authors realize there is a lot more to writing a book than just getting the words down on a page. Gone are the days of writing a book manuscript, sending it to major publishing companies, getting picked up by one of them, getting your advance, and then sitting back waiting for the royalty checks to roll in.
Today, 80% of all new books are self published according to Jerry Jenkins of the Jenkins Group. Should you decide to self-publish, too, there are many factors to consider
- How do I organize my book so it flows?
- How do I select an editor?
- How do I make a cover?
- How do I take my manuscript from the Word document to actually make it look like a book?
- What needs to go on the back cover of the book?
- What goes on the copyright page?
- What is the proper order of the parts of the book?
- How do I sell online?
- How can I get it into bookstores?
- Where do I store my books?
- Should I print my books or do print-on-demand?
- Should I do hard cover, paperback or ebook?
- Do I need an author’s website?
- How do I set up author tours?
- How do I publicize my book?
Writers Group
One of the biggest challenges for authors is being able to write a book that others want to read. You could have the best book in the world, but if it doesn’t match what book buyers know as ‘industry standard,’ your book will only be bought by family and friends. Certain standards need to be followed in order to have a real chance at success. And that’s where we can help.
The group meets monthly on the last Monday of the month from 7:00- 9:00p central standard time.
Areas our Writers Group Covers
Research is used to fill the gaps in your knowledge of the topic, learn what others have already said in order to embolden your unique voice in the field, and to determine the physical characteristics of books similar to yours. You don’t want to stand out as a self-publishing author; you want to fit in. What section of the library or bookstore would you find similar books in? What are the physical dimensions of the books, number of pages, types of covers, etc.? How is your work different from the work of others in your same category? Research is easy when you know what to do and where to look.
Cover Design
Peer Review
Back Cover
Interior Design
Most new writers are unaware of this piece of the process, despite it being the heart of what you’re selling. There are professionals who work to make the inside of your book comply with industry standards. This includes chapter titles, subheadings, font that aligns with the cover font, margins, page numbers, illustrations, and Library of Congress blocks. Beyond standards are the style choices that give your pages a fitting personality. Leave that to us.
Need just a piece of the puzzle?
Editing & Copy Writing
- Developmental Editing
- Content Editing
- Copy Editing
- Backcover Copy
- Biography Copy
- Interior formatting for print books
- Cover design for print books
- Interior formatting for eBook
- Cover design for eBook
- eBook Publishing & Conversion
- Speaker page
- Marketing material (flyers, brochures)
- Social media memes
- Author website
- Amazon Author Page
- Publishing Consultation:
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