This assessment will evaluate how important connection, relationships and belonging is to you.
This assessment will evaluate how high your need for independence and autonomy are to you.
This assessment will evaluate how important fun, play, relaxation and learning are to you.
Safety & Security:
This assessment looks at the importance of survival, safety and security is to you.
This assessment measures how important it is to you to make a difference, have an impact and develop competence in all you do.
Are you Happy?
This survey assesses your happiness as it relates to your significant relationship. It is meant as a companion to my book, Secrets of Happy Couples.
Adaption to Change:
This assessment helps you determine what your usual behavior is as it relates to when you are confronted with change.
Conditions of Quality:
This tool provides a self-assessment of how well you are doing as a leader.
General Well-Being:
This is an open-source survey to determine how generally satisfied you are with your life. See link on right.