I just finished rereading Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T. Harv Eker. Why was I rereading it? Well, I liked it so much the first time and I was pretty certain I had missed some important information in the text so I thought I'd read it again. It was even better the second time.
I liked the book so much that I scheduled myself to go to Harv's Millionaire Mind Intensive weekend program. This was an amazing program, high energy and jammed packed with valuable information. Of course, if you were paying attention, you could see how the staff were preparing the audience for the upsell. And there were many.
Harv has something like 17 other programs, camps and training programs he offers, all centered around aquiring the skill and mindset for amassing wealth. I was impressed. I felt the rush to sign up for all the programs that were offered but I knew I couldn't afford that. Harv and his staff would argue that I couldn't afford not to but I stayed within my budget, chose wisely and scheduled myself to go to Harv's World's Greatest Marketing Seminar.
That was another major, intensive workshop. We started every day at 8 AM and worked until 9 or 10 PM each day, Monday through Friday. And we were bombarded with really great information.I learned so much from being there.
Perhaps the best thing that happened while I was there is that I met Kristi. Kristi and I hit it off immediately. We have very similar energy. When Harv's staff was attempting to sell their Reasons or Results coaching program, she and decided we would support each other by being accountability partners. We email each other daily and we have a one-hour phone call each Monday to plan our upcoming week.
One of my daily actions is to do the wealth conditioning procress that Harv recommends. I was telling Kristi today that I really think the conditioning process is working. There are four financial blue prints–spenders, savers, avoiders and money monks who think money is the root of all evil. I was an avoider. I didn't know how much money I had. I didn't know what was in my accounts, how my investments were doing, or how much money I was spending. 2012 is the year I change all that.
I also have a bit of the money monk belief going on that says having too much money is selfish. Whenever I would do my declarations or visualizations about how I wanted to be wealthy, I'd feel guilty and selfish. Just yesterday, when I said my declarations, I actually felt positive about wealth, thinking of all the wonderful things I will do with my money. I want to give my assistant a raise, maybe even offer health insurance. I'd like to hire more people and pay them based on results, rather than time.
I'm feeling so positive about my new financial blueprint. I will let you know how I make out with it. If this works for me, then I will become an ambassador for Harv's programs and you'll be hearing more about them from me.
So, what do you think your money blueprint is? Are you a saver? Are you a spender? An avoider? Or are you a money monk?