Seven Keys of Happiness #6

By Kim Olver The first five Keys of Happiness are self-worth, gratitude, positive life framing, internal locus of control, and lifelong learning. The sixth key is: 6. Love I am not talking about having a significant other in your life who loves you. I’m talking about having love inside of you that is just bursting […]

Inside Out Empowerment

When we are thinking of making changes in our lives, all too often we look externally. We have a perfect picture in our heads about what life should look like, then we go about acting on life to give us whatever it is we think would be perfect. The only problem with this approach is […]

Happy Valentine’s Day

Today is Valentine’s Day and if you are in a happy relationship, congratulations. For the rest of you, I encourage to make the most of this day designated for lovers. After my husband died in 1999, this was the worst holiday for me! I could get through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s but by the […]