Synergy – Who’s on Your Team?

Today I had a meeting with my team of professionals dedicated to helping me build my business. I am so fortunate to have these women on my side! It filled me with gratitude for having them in my life – Denise Daub (partner extraordinaire), Crystal Alston (social media guru), Shruti Tekwani (personal assistant and so much more) and Jennifer Stoner (marketing and PR specialist). Today we spent several hours discussing how to grow my business, how to make it work seamlessly with their support and how to help me reach of goal of more quality speaking engagements. Each team member will be doing their part. As John Maxwell says, “Teamwork makes the dream work!”

It also had me thinking about who you have on your team. Are they supporting and encouraging you or are they holding you back?

Think about the people you have in both your personal and professional life. Do they value you? Do they believe in your vision for your life? Do they create opportunities to support you to reach that vision? Do they celebrate your successes? If you can answer yes to these questions about an individual, maximize the time and energy you put into that relationship.

Think about others . . . are they jealous? Do they work hard at keeping you where you are so they can be comfortable? Do they pull you down, just as you are about to fly? Do they talk about you behind your back? I think you know what I am going to say: Minimize the time and energy you put into those relationships.

Realizing your potential is difficult enough when the way is paved with cheering fans. It is almost impossible to succeed while surrounded by those who are sabotaging your success. Take inventory today!

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