I am so excited about launching the Radical Responsibility and Awesome Appreciation Movement. We are gaining momentum and are about a quarter of the way to where I want to be before takeoff. I spend a good bit of time talking about it. The last time I rode in an Uber, my driver was from Jordan. We had a nice conversation about the Middle East, culture and things people have in common. The conversation naturally lead to me talking about the social movement I want to create. The driver pulled off the road, turned around in his seat and gave me a high five! He was almost as excited about the movement as I am! I find many other people I’ve talked to are equally aligned.
I want to be sure I have at least 100 people who are committed to joining us before the launch. I’ve started writing a book on the subject so it will be ready to go. You might be wondering what joining our movement means:
If you find yourself aligned with the concept, then leave me a word in the comments of this post. Simply type something to let me know you want to get involved; some examples are a simple yes, or spice it up with a “heck yea!” or “count me in!” This proclamation means you commit to the goal of taking 100% responsibility for the things you choose to do or not do; for those things in your life that you have no control over, you commit to finding something to appreciate about them. Yes, I’m talking more than acceptance. We need to balance the negativity of the event with something to appreciate. If you are having trouble doing that, you will ask for help before you stay stuck and focused on only the negative of what happened.
Do you have to be perfect at it? Of course not; I think that is an extremely high bar to hold. I would like to be perfect at it, but I know I’m not. However, I strive to do better today than I did yesterday, and I will do better tomorrow than I did today. If that is something you are willing to do, then say YES and let’s get this party started! Since first writing about this movement in January, a quarter of the people I need to reach my goal have joined me. If you have any desire to live a responsible, grateful life no matter what is happening in it, jump on board.
The other thing I invite you to do is spread it around—tell those you think would be interested about the movement. Tell them about being able to read the manifesto once it’s posted. Tell them about the satisfaction you experience from living this way. You aren’t trying to convert the world; you are just sharing information with the people in your life. If they seem interested, tell them more. If they don’t, stop talking about it. We don’t want to drag people into this. We only want to attract the people this resonates with, but it can’t resonate if they don’t know about it.
Would you be willing to live responsibly, balance adversity with appreciation and share your experiences with others who are interested? I hope you are and if you are, please let me know below. We will have a website with information and encouragement for people. There will be a FB group where people can support one another in their quest. We will host online webinars. We might even create live events if there are enough people interested in meeting in person. There is nothing like networking with like-minded people.
If enough people started living their lives in this way, we would have:
- Better relationships with others
- Better relationship with Self
- Higher integrity
- Greater happiness and contentment
- Less conflict
- More support and encouragement
- Greater accountability
- Reduced victimhood
- Less violence
- Better lives
Who wouldn’t want to live like that and help others who want to do the same? Say yes!