Men’s Top Ten List of What NOT to do in Relationships

Most of us who have been intimately involved with someone beyond the
infatuation stage know that relationships are like a roller coaster
ride. When things are good, they are very, very good. When things are
bad, they are very, very bad. As a relationship coach, I have developed
Top 10 Lists—one for men and one for women on 10 things to do and not
to do in relationships. I’ve shared what to do in previous posts. In my next few posts, I will share what NOT to do in relationships.

Today, I’ll start with the top five things for men but women, don’t worry, your turn is coming next!


  1. Go to bed angry with your partner.
  2. Try to offer advice or solutions when your partner just needs you to listen to her without comment.
  3. Pretend to listen to her when you really aren’t.
  4. Shut
    your partner out when you need to sort things through in your head. Just
    explain you need space, you aren’t angry with your partner and that
    you’ll be back.
  5. Criticize your partner, especially her appearance.

Start with eliminating or at least reducing these five behaviors in your relationship and let me know if you notice a difference.


One Response

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