Have – Do – Be Goals

While working on my goal setting for 2025, I remembered something I learned from a Choice Theory colleague, Barnes Boffey, that he called “Have – Do – Be.” Whenever a client talks about something they desire, it helps to gain clarity by asking the following questions: If people can’t answer those questions, it’s a good […]

Goals for 2025

I love the start of a new year and all its possibilities. If you’re like me and have a system for setting annual goals, you’re probably eager to dive into 2025. Planning my year and writing down my goals gives me a thrill—and holds me accountable. How 2024 Stacked Up Accomplishments Rollovers Self-Evaluation I’m satisfied […]

Lessons Learned from 2024


I always like to review the lessons I’ve learned during the year in my last blog of the year. Since it’s 2024, I present 24 lessons. 1. Great friends are like investments in jewels that can please you throughout your life. 2. Doing work you love that ignites your passion creates more energy than you […]

Moving forward in your goals

While we’re in the midst of Mental Health Awareness month, I’d like to discuss thinking about mental health along a continuum from poor to excellent. Self-care and goal setting often happen on the healthier side of that continuum. Have you been attempting to make these kinds of changes and find yourself struggling with forward movement? […]

Goals for 2023

Goals 2023

If you have a system for how you set your annual goals at the beginning of the year, I bet you’re excited about the possibilities for 2023. It’s true for me: Being able to plan out my year and list my goals gives me a thrill, along with an added layer of responsibility. I learned […]

Preparing for a New Year

New year

This year, as I am writing my fifth book, Mental Freedom, 2023 is unfolding as my year of preparation. I have always had a strong drive to create new material and products. It’s how I spend a lot of my time. This year, as I am planning to release a suite of Mental Freedom products in […]

How Do You Define Success?

Most people define success the way many power people define it because that’s the definition most of society measures by. Your definition of success shouldn’t be determined by what people in power say it should be, but rather it should be defined by the person you are and what you value most. You might just […]

Wedding Stress: Is it Normal or a Red Flag?

Recently, I have heard several stories about brides having a difficult time planning the wedding they want. One story was about a mother who was trying to plan the wedding she wanted because she had eloped instead. Another was about a future mother-in-law taking over the planning because she “knew her son best.” Finally, I […]

My Bucket List Quest

Kim Olver

In terms of traveling and crossing things off my bucket list, March 2022 was a big month for me. Ever since I watched Reva on Guiding Light drive off the end of the bridge to the Florida Keys in the ’80s, I’ve wanted to drive to the Keys. I created that opportunity in March. It […]

My 2022 Goals


At the beginning of the year, I always put together a list of what I want to accomplish in the year, both personally and professionally. I also choose a word to guide my year, as well as a motto. Last year, my word was “marketing.” I enrolled in programs so I could learn to market […]