At the beginning of the year, I always put together a list of what I want to accomplish in the year, both personally and professionally. I also choose a word to guide my year, as well as a motto. Last year, my word was “marketing.” I enrolled in programs so I could learn to market myself, but then in April, I hired a top-notch marketing team that has been doing phenomenal things with my business. They suggested changing my company name from Coaching for Excellence to Olver International, and I have embraced the change. My motto last year was, “Nothing happens to me; everything happens for me,” and it helped me through what could have been disappointments and frustrations.
My word for 2022 is “limitless” and my motto is “I live in the miracle zone every day.” I’m excited to see how they play out in 2022!
My goals are:
- Fitness Goal: Walk at least one mile a day at a minimum. My work has me sitting a lot, and I want to move more in my day.
- Learning Goal: My Year of Miracles program. I recently had Marci Shimoff as a guest on my podcast, and she inspired me to sign up for her year-long program. I’m so looking forward to learning from her how to more intentionally manifest miracles in my own life.
- Launch Mental Freedom®. I have been developing the Mental Freedom program over the past two years and I can’t wait to release it into the world. I know it is going to help a lot of people.
- Complete the Mental Freedom book. This will be my fifth book, and this week, I am in Cabo San Lucas writing my first draft.
- Secure four international speaking engagements. I love to travel. I always get to meet great people, try new foods and provide useful, practical tools for people to live lives they can love.
- Travel to Kimberly, ID in October with my business manager so we can plan our year for 2023. I will be able to cross off another Kimberly from my crazy travel goal to visit all the places in the world named Kimberly. There are 14 and this will be my fourth Kimberly. Ten more to go!
- Create awareness of the court-mandated curriculums I developed for parenting and anger management. Five organizations are currently using my parenting curriculum, and one is using my anger management curriculum. I know the programs have a great chance of helping people to really change rather than just checking a box. I want to expand to ten counties using both curriculums in 2022.
- Share the Academy of Choice’s coaching programhttps://olverinternational.comshops/?product-page=2 with 65 counselors who want to become coaches.
- Create two new continuing education programs for the Academy of Choice: Choice Theory and Mental Freedom.
- Serve 10 aspiring authors in Olver International’s Writers Group and publish six new books this year.
- Unlock the mystery of monetizing my podcast.
- Sell my home in Pennsylvania. Anybody wanna buy a house?
I am sharing these in a blog post to assign myself accountability. When I tell people I’m going to do something, I do it. If I’m the only one who knows about it, I might not. I want to be held accountable because these goals are not only important to me, but they also have the potential to help others.
Something I learned from one of my mentors is that people often overestimate what they can accomplish in one year but underestimate what they can accomplish in five. I will not be disappointed if I don’t accomplish all I have on my list. Things may change and adjustments may need to be made. But I know, with these things on my list and applying my Goal Attainment System, I will make major progress and accomplish most of what I want. The rest will be reevaluated and possibly carried over into 2023.
I’m excited about 2022 and its possibilities. I hope you are too.
If you struggle with meeting the goals you set and you’d like to try the system I use to accomplish mine, check out my Goal Attainment System.