Choice Coaching

Choice Coaching is a method of coaching based on Dr. William Glasser’s Reality Therapy® and Choice Theory® psychology. It is built on the fundamental idea that people are able to […]

Assessing Your Mental Health

For far too long, mental health has been used as a euphemism for mental illness. I have many issues with this, but the one I’m writing about today is this: […]

Hope: It’s hard to live without it


April has been designated the National Month of Hope. Other than healthy, satisfying relationships, I can’t think of anything more important to a person’s mental health than hope. Some people […]

Counselors Turned Coaches: Lessons Learned

I hang out with a lot of counselors, therapists and social workers, and many of them are discouraged about the same things: clients who don’t seem to want to make […]

Coaching: A Day in the Life


Have you ever wondered what a coach does in an average day? While I haven’t done any research on the subject, I can tell you about a day in my […]

Become a Coach

30-hour Academy of Choice Coaching Program - Olver International

Coaching is a field that’s been rapidly expanding over the past two decades. Not only is it a profession, but also an important skill for people in leadership positions. Coaching […]

Coaches as Hope Warriors

Coaches are Hope Warriors

As coaches, it is our job to show our clients that there is hope. When they’re feeling like they’re ‘broken,’ we show them that their pain is temporary, that there […]

Ten Ways Misery Can Help

As a helping professional, have you ever encountered clients who seem to revel in their misery? It’s not that they are having any fun—misery is miserable, after all. But if […]