10 Reasons Clients Don’t Reach Their Goals

For new coaches, it is frustrating when clients aren’t making the progress expected of them. Whenever clients aren’t successful, there are many things to explore. However, this exploration won’t happen if you forget to follow up on their actions. A rookie mistake is taking time to make the plan but neglecting to check back in […]
September’s InsideOut Empowerment Challenge
This month’s InsideOut Empowerment Challenge is about looking beyond behavior to its purpose. All behavior is purposeful. Every behavior is a person’s best attempt to get something they want at that particular time to more effectively meet one of their five basic needs.
10 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Health
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. We will go to the doctor for a physical checkup but how many of us engage in a mental health checkup? The goals of my process, InsideOut Empowerment, provides us with ten things we can do to improve our well-being and increase our happiness.
Is It Time To Spring Clean Your Life?
In our fast-paced, throwaway society, it’s easy to just throw something away because you’ve had it a while or you’re just simply tired of it. When you spring clean your life, the question to ask yourself is whether or not each of these areas is serving you or if it’s time for something new! Here are 12 areas to consider.
The Academy of Choice and the Relationship Center
How are you doing on your goals for 2012? One quarter of the year is over, are you a quarter of your way to where you want to be? If not, what do you need to do to adjust and get yourself on track? You may want to take a look at our Goal Attainment System to help you actually accomplish your goals this year.
Five Solutions for Resistant Employees
As someone who does a lot of leadership training, I am surprised by how training is frequently used as the solution for all staff problems when something else might be more effective. The main factor of success involves doing a proper assessment of the situation, so before we can get to the solutions, we must understand the root causes. W. Edwards Deming says, “If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing.”
What is Depression?
As the Executive Director of the William Glasser Institute-US, I just want to clarify Glasser’s position on depression. Those who believe Choice Theory believe that all behavior is our best attempt to get something we want. We are not always consciously aware of what we are trying to get by using certain behavior. Depressing is a behavior that while incredibly painful and debilitating, also can have benefits.
Academy of Choice
Coaching is different from counseling. A counselor helps people with serious issues. Most counseling is done in person; coaching is often done by phone. Counselors work with clients who often have diagnoses from the DSM, while coaches work with clients more in the area of self-growth and development. Coaches do not provide emergency services.
Kim Olver, Life and Executive Coaching
Kim Olver, MS., NCC., LCPC helps people get along better with the important people in their lives, including themselves, at home and at work. She is the award winning author of Secrets of Happy Couples: Loving Yourself, Your Partner, and Your Life, and has also contributed to Whole Living, Women’s World, Fitness Magazine, Law of Attraction Magazine and Counseling Today. She co-authored Leveraging Diversity at Work: How to Hire, Retain, and Inspire a Diverse Workforce for Peak Productivity and Performance with Sylvester Baugh and co-authored a book with Ken Blanchard, Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen and Byron Katie, entitled 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life
Coaching Training Program for Helping Professionals
Are you a licensed helping professional who wants to add coaching to your list or services? Perhaps you have been coaching for some time now but find the field is becoming somewhat regualted and you want to get certified from an approved coaching program. Maybe you want to learn our revolutionary InsideOut process for coaching. The Academy of Choice is definitely for you!