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The Mental Health Pendulum Swing
I have been noticing a disturbing trend in Mental Health after having been in the field for the past 40-plus years. When I graduated college
Take a Chance Day… or Not
“Take a Chance Day” was on April 20, and it inspired me to consider risk within a Choice Theory basic needs framework. I call Glasser’s
Shining a Beacon of Hope: The Vital Role of Helping Professionals
Previously, I wrote a blog post, Coaches as Hope Warriors, to underscore how important it is to create positive expectancy for our clients. Coaching clients
I am in Control
March 30 is “National I Am in Control Day,” a phrase declared by Alexander Haig following the assassination attempt on President Regan. This day has
Truth Seekers
I often look at the many observances in a month for ideas of what to blog about. For the first time, I noticed two in
The Head, Heart and Hands of Mental Freedom
In our many decades of working with people in the business world, clients of social services, and regular everyday people, one thing seems to be
It’s Not Personal
For February, the Month of Love, I’d like to discuss a big part of my work: helping couples improve their relationships. Every relationship can be
Fact or Fiction: Chapman’s 5 Love Languages
Recently, I read an article by Richard Sima in The Washington Post (Love language advice for couples isn’t backed by science, new research shows) and
Goals for 2024
I love the start of a new year full of nothing but possibilities. If you’re like me and have a routine system for setting your