Start Strengthening Your Emotional Wellness Today

If you knew you would be in the fight of your life tomorrow, it would be too late to begin your physical fitness conditioning today. If you haven’t already been training, you will lose that fight—it’s the same way with our emotional fitness conditioning. At some point, life is going to knock you down because […]

Truth Seekers

mental freedom

I often look at the many observances in a month for ideas of what to blog about. For the first time, I noticed two in March that grabbed my attention: Everything You Think is Wrong Day on March 15 and Everything You Do is Right Day on March 16. That strange juxtaposition sparked something within […]

Excellent Mental Health Means Total Mental Freedom®

Mental Health

The way to excellent mental health is Mental Freedom® Mental Freedom occurs when your mind is working for you instead of against you. You have learned to take responsibility for your life, and you’ve stopped taking responsibility for everyone else’s. Your relationships are healthy, your thoughts serve you and you know how to transform painful […]

What to Consider when Hiring a Counselor


April is Counseling Awareness Month, and while I’m pretty sure that most of you are aware of counseling, do you know how to be a good consumer of counseling services? If you are seeking a counselor to help you with a specific issue, how do you know which one to choose? Do you just start […]

Assessing Your Mental Health

For far too long, mental health has been used as a euphemism for mental illness. I have many issues with this, but the one I’m writing about today is this: We all have some degree of mental health, as mental health lives along a continuum from serious mental distress and disease to excellent mental health […]

Children: Be someone in the life of a child


National Be Someone Day is designed to remind adults to be someone special in the life of a child. As a counselor, I am constantly reminded of the fact that almost everyone on the planet is recovering from or currently enduring some sort of trauma, a lot of that trauma inflicted or experienced as a […]

PTSD: Reducing the Stigma


Those of you who follow my work know that I often stand on a soapbox regarding post-traumatic stress. You may have heard me make the case for not calling it a disorder, or you might have read about, what I call, post-traumatic GLOW. Today, I want to talk about reducing the stigma. There are four […]

Mental Health Today

As someone with almost 40 years of experience in the field of mental health, I continue to watch disturbing trends. As long as the medical model of mental illness is the gold standard of best practice, we are doomed to fail. First, I’d like to say that mental health lives on a continuum, just like […]

G.L.O.W.:Transforming Post Traumatic Stress


G.L.O.W. stands for gifts, lessons, opportunities and wisdom. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Day is celebrated on June 27th.  However, I don’t include the word ‘disorder’ when I talk about Post Traumatic Stress. It is not a disorder to experience stress after trauma. In fact, I’d be more worried about you if you were […]

Rebuild Your Life Month


June is designated Rebuild Your Life Month. Have you ever had your life in such a state you felt the need to rebuild it? I rebuilt my life after marriage, after becoming a mom, when my husband died, when my children left home and when I moved 800 miles away and started my business. Each […]