Trauma Awareness and Coronavirus


Since May is Trauma Awareness Month, it only seems right to examine the trauma essential workers are experiencing as they navigate their jobs during this coronavirus outbreak. As states are beginning to relax restrictions to get the economy moving, many of those on the frontlines are going to experience post-traumatic stress from the trauma of […]

Awesome Appreciation-Are you ready?

Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these I believe it is time for a social movement—a revolution, if you will. I’m calling it Radical Responsibility and Awesome Appreciation. It is based on the work of many giants who have […]

Mental Illness: What’s Really Going On

Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these World Mental Health Day was October 10th, last week was Mental Illness Awareness Week in the U.S. and the month of October is Depression Awareness Month. What I find offensive in all […]

Do You Have a Book in You?

alone journaling writing

There is a quote by Margaret Wheatley that says, “It’s hard to hate someone who’s story you know,” and I believe everyone has a story. Yes, everyone, even you! While you may think your life isn’t very interesting and nothing has ever happened to you, that in and of itself is interesting. When I was […]

Choice Theory Language

Learning Choice Theory and applying it in your life will help empower you by focusing on the things you have the power to influence or change instead of focusing on the plethora of things that happen that you don’t like and can do nothing about. It moves you from victim to survivor and ensures a […]

Book Review: Weight Loss

When Food Is Love: Exploring the Relationship Between Eating and Intimacy by Geneen Roth This is an excellent book for people who believe their eating issues may spring from trauma they experienced during their childhood. Ms. Roth discloses some of her own personal struggles from her childhood with an abusive mother and her subsequent trouble […]