Hunt for Contentment, Not Just Happiness

The third full week of January is designated “Hunt for Happiness Week,” a time set aside for self-reflection on how we define happiness and what we can do to achieve it in the long run. Many individualistic cultures center on an individual’s pursuit of happiness, but I’d like to propose a different goal. In Choice […]

Celebrating Authors and Writing

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November is all about writing. Throughout the month, people celebrate and participate in Family Stories Month, Memoir Writing Month, and National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). November 15 is “I Love to Write Day.”  I am an author who helps other people tell their stories. I am also a counselor, and I understand that the early […]



August 18 is National Serendipity Day. Serendipity is defined as the occurrence and development of any events by happenstance in a pleasant or useful way. This day encourages us to appreciate those unexpected, pleasant things. I have a mantra I’ve been living now since January that my friend, Scott D’Alterio, shared with me: “Nothing happens […]



July is considered National Anti-Boredom Month. The idea is to identify what “makes” you bored and devise ways to combat it. The problem, from a Choice Theory® perspective, is that nothing can “make” you bored. If you are experiencing boredom, you may want to ask yourself, “What is this boredom doing for me?” Honestly, I […]

Social Wellness Month

social wellness

July is Social Wellness Month—a reminder that relationships are key to a healthy lifestyle. Humans have a need for connection; some of us have a stronger need than others. If you are someone with a lower need for connection, you might be satisfied with a beloved pet and few people in your life. Those with […]

Mental Freedom®: Unconditional Trust Challenge

I have been studying Choice Theory for more than 30 years, and there has always been the concept that people are doing their best in any given situation with the information available to them. I ascribed to that statement for much of those 30 years. We had a colleague, Diane Gossen, who spoke of people […]

Insurrection: Your Hunt for Happiness

I find it ironic that the week of January 19 to 25 is called Hunt for Happiness Week. Who, here in the United States, is hunting for happiness when we’re all embroiled in our current political situation on one side or the other? How can people be happy when we just experienced an insurrection at […]

Kindness: Be Kind to Humankind Week

be kind

Kindness emerges as my top value whenever I participate in any type of clarification work regarding my values. I used to think it was honesty because I think it’s important to tell the truth. However, those times when not being completely honest can spare someone from being hurt unnecessarily, I will opt for kindness. You […]

Mental Health: An Alternative Narrative

mental health

Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these. Since the month of May, and specifically the week of May 18, is Mental Health Awareness Month, it’s time for the general public to learn about the alternative narrative to mental health: […]

Happy People: 23 Characteristics


People are often on a quest to be happier but don’t have a plan for how to get there. I know there are some of you with introspective time on your hands these days might be interested in this list. In the work I do coaching people in the application of Choice Theory, happiness is […]