Developing Win/Win/Win Outcomes


Whenever there is a conflict or disagreement, the natural inclination of both parties is to fight for their way. Humans are wired to win. Our need for power must be […]

Empowerment Parenting for Mandated Parents

I have finally finished my parenting curriculum, Empowerment Parenting. This is a 25-hour parenting program for people mandated to attend parenting classes. It teaches parenting skills based on our five basic needs and emphasizes the difference between discipline and punishment. Parents are taught the formula for teaching their children self-discipline while building influential, positive relationships with their children.

Parenting Q & A

Q: When I was growing up, my parents were really strict and I didn’t DARE go against their wishes. I knew it just wouldn’t be worth it. They definitely controlled […]

Book Review: Raising Happy Kids

Raising Happy Kids by Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer Raising Happy Kids is a book that espouses conventional wisdom about democratic parenting. It measures whether or not something is effective with kids by […]

Parenting Tip

If you are a parent who uses a behavioral system for your child in terms of a point or level system, where they earn points for good behavior and lose […]

Success Quote

“You miss a 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky I know that when we are parenting, we have our good days and our bad. When […]

Discipline vs. Punishment – Part II

In my last post, we talked about punishing. Now, instead of punishing, let’s look at what it might be like to teach self-discipline instead. Let’s say your child has a […]

Discipline vs. Punishment – Part I

Do you know the difference between discipline and punishment with their Latin roots? Punishment implies “inflicting pain,” while discipline means “to teach.” Parents who use punishment are missing important opportunities […]

Parenting Conflict Quote: Wayne Dyer

“Conflict cannot survive without your participation.” — Wayne Dyer This is partly what I am proposing to parents. When you stop participating in the power struggle with your children, the […]