I am in Control


March 30 is “National I Am in Control Day,” a phrase declared by Alexander Haig following the assassination attempt on President Regan. This day has been commemorated to remind people to take control of their lives and choose their actions wisely. To truly be in control, you must first understand the difference between what you […]

De-Stress Your Life

With April being Stress Awareness Month, I wanted to write about how people can de-stress their lives with some simple adjustments. In today’s fast-paced world of doing it all so you can have it all, I don’t know anyone who escapes stress. There will always be pressure, looming deadlines, competing priorities and challenging relationships to […]

Social Wellness Month

social wellness

July is Social Wellness Month—a reminder that relationships are key to a healthy lifestyle. Humans have a need for connection; some of us have a stronger need than others. If you are someone with a lower need for connection, you might be satisfied with a beloved pet and few people in your life. Those with […]

Stress Awareness and Resilience


Stress is something we can’t seem to avoid. We have relationship, financial, work and health stressors everywhere, and that’s before factoring in the current pandemic which has, to date, killed 554,000 people in the U.S. alone. That’s a ton of stress. Why do some people seem to manage stress better than others? Is it because […]

Gratitude: International Compliment Day


I have mixed feelings about today, February 24, being International Compliment Day. It is meant to celebrate the power of well-deserved compliments. A well-placed compliment can make a person’s day; it lets someone know that you see them and like or appreciate something about them. This is good, except when it isn’t. When can compliments […]

Appreciation for the G.L.O.W.-Mental Freedom®


Appreciation for the G.L.O.W. is a four-step process that helps you on your path to Mental Freedom®. Each month, I have been dedicating one of my blog posts to my new Mental Freedom® Experience. This month, I’d like to expand the concept of Appreciation that can come after discovering and accepting the G.L.O.W., which is […]

Counseling: Three Choices Equals Freedom

When working with clients, have you ever encountered someone who knows what they want but has no clue of what to do to get there? If you were trained as I was, then you were taught that, in order for a plan to be successful, it’s important that your client is the one to craft […]

Obliterate Stress during the Pandemic


Well, what do you know—it is Stress Awareness Month in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. What could be more stressful than a crisis with no end in sight? Of course, it’s bringing stress into our awareness in a big way. What is stress, really? Of course, we all know it’s a physiological response to […]

Coronavirus: Stages of Grief


I intended to write about something other than coronavirus this week, but as the severity of the situation drastically increased, I feel compelled to write about the reality of most people in the world. I find it interesting how the world’s reaction to coronavirus parallels Kubler-Ross’s stages of grief. I’ve learned that the process of […]

Radical Responsibility-It’s Time

radical responsibility

Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these After spending more than 30 years teaching Choice Theory and 10 years as the executive director of the Glasser Institute for Choice Theory – US, I have decided it’s time for a […]