Entrepreneurial Spirit


The week of November 16-22 has been designated, Global Entrepreneur Week. From the time I was about five-years-old, my father was an entrepreneur. I didn’t really know any other life. […]

Happy People: 23 Characteristics


People are often on a quest to be happier but don’t have a plan for how to get there. I know there are some of you with introspective time on […]

Awesome Appreciation-Are you ready?

Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these I believe it is time for a […]

International Peace & Choice Theory Practice


In honor of International Peace Month, I thought it appropriate to write about what constitutes peace. Internationally, most people think of peace as the absence of war. Nationally, it may […]

2018 Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

My life has been very full in 2018. I have been focused on the lessons, and I realize there are many when you are open and seeking them. Here are […]

3 Girlfriends and the Great Wall of China

I am writing from the city of Shenzhen. Last week, my friend and I completed a one-week tour of China. It was an organized tour with twenty-six other tourists, one […]

What’s Great about Your Day

This blog has multiple purposes but one of the main ones is to help people take control of their lives by putting their time and energy into the things they have power to control and/or influence instead of trying to control everyone else in their lives. A side benefit of doing this actually helps us move closer to the people we want and need in our lives.