Attitude: Make it Positive


Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these October has been designated Positive Attitude Month, […]

Finding Balance in Relationships

One of man’s biggest internal struggles is the conflicting needs of independence and connection. They seem to be mutually exclusive. How can you have independence and be connected at the […]

Balance Changes Everything

In the periodic table, unbalanced elements do not exist. The make-up of our universe requires a perfect balance of protons and electrons. In chemistry class, I learned how this Law […]

We Want What Feels Good To Us

InsideOut Empowerment Tenant #4: What you want is based on what feels good to you (increasing pleasure or avoiding pain). Remember, what you want feels good to you. It may not feel good to everyone, especially those close to you. If people know what you want, they may judge you if they don’t think it’s a “good” thing to want. For example, my son quit college 18 credits shy of graduating. I certainly didn’t think that was a good thing. He didn’t want to go further in debt by going another semester. This was his choice, his decision, his life. There were many people in his life, who claim to love him, that told him what a mistake he made. It’s seven years later and he earns a six-figure income in a sales position in a rural area where the cost of living is less than most places in the US. Should he have graduated? Who can say conclusively? Perhaps the stress of owing more money for student loans would have caused him to do something desperate. We’ll never know. All I know is that it was his decision to make and my job was to support him in his right to make it.

Relationships A – Z (Part 3)

It’s time for the end of the alphabet of our Relationship ABCs. Learn the R-Z part so your relationship will sizzle, not fizzle.