Goal Attainment Process

goals 2020

I believe 2020 is going to be, for me, a strong year of rebuilding. I have spent the past nine years as the part-time Executive Director for the Glasser Institute for Choice Theory (GIFCT), being paid to deliver eight hours of work each week. I am continuing as the part-time Executive Director for William Glasser […]

Money Management & Choice Theory


The holiday season is upon us. For many, it adds financial stress to the other stressful things associated with the holidays. While browsing social media, I found a meme that read: Debt keeps you paying for your past so that you never get to invest in your future. What do you think of that statement? […]

Domestic Violence and Choice Theory


Domestic Violence – violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. Are you being hurt by someone who’s supposed to love you? Do you think you are asking for it? Do you live in fear of it happening again? Will you stay or will you go? […]

Choice Theory Helps Every Time

Kim Olver

Choice Theory has helped me to create an amazing life. I am so grateful to have learned Choice Theory® psychology when I was just 27. The only thing that would have been better than that is if my parents and teachers all knew it and shared it with me from the time I was born […]

International Peace & Choice Theory Practice


In honor of International Peace Month, I thought it appropriate to write about what constitutes peace. Internationally, most people think of peace as the absence of war. Nationally, it may look like bi-partisan solutions to issues with an active, participating citizenship. On an interpersonal level, peace is seen as respect. On an intrapersonal level, peace […]

Self-Esteem and Your Child


Self-esteem isn’t something you can give another person; it’s something they need to cultivate for themselves. However, the environment you create around children can make that task easy or difficult and anything in between. If you are a parent, an educator, or any position that works with children, you can make this task easier by […]

Biases You Don’t Know You Have


While I was writing my book, Choosing Me Now, I discovered something that surprised me: we all have some sort of built-in need-strength bias. To understand what this means, you might want a rudimentary understanding of Choice Theory, the psychological theory developed by the late Dr. William Glasser. Choice Theory teaches that we are born […]

Freedom and Self-Care


If you are following my blogs on Strategic Self-Care, then you already know I have an unconventional, Choice Theory approach to the topic, which will be revealed in my forthcoming book, Choosing Me Now, out on Amazon June 4. It will be available for preorder on May 4th. You can find my other self-care blogs […]

Choice Theory Language

Learning Choice Theory and applying it in your life will help empower you by focusing on the things you have the power to influence or change instead of focusing on the plethora of things that happen that you don’t like and can do nothing about. It moves you from victim to survivor and ensures a […]

Reality Therapy – is it Still Relevant? You Decide

Post traumatic stress

In 1965, Dr. William Glasser developed a counseling method called Reality Therapy. Beyond being an effective counseling technique, Reality Therapy is a problem-solving method. Not only does it work well with people who want help solving their problems, it also works well with those who are mandated for help and appear to not want any […]