Work/Life Balance: A New Model

Angry girl

With September being designated as “Self-Improvement Month,” I wanted to write about a new model for work/life balance. Forget about trying to achieve some magical balancing point between your life and your work. It’s arbitrary at best. Instead, strive for life balance by balancing your needs. According to Choice Theory® psychology, everyone is born with […]

Setting Goals that Fit Your Personality Type Part II


Last week, I wrote about Setting Goals that Fit your Personality Part I. It will be helpful for you to read that first here. When you consider setting your goals this year, start with the goals that will give you the most return on your investment, and I’m not talking financially, I’m talking psychologically and […]

Business Tip – Corporate Culture

If you are a business leader and find you don’t know what your corporate culture is, you may want to consider aligning your business around a particular culture. Once you do that and communicate it to all your employees, you may have some people who leave because they aren’t comfortable with that particular culture, but the employees who stay will be more loyal and committed to your vision.