Children: What can you do to make a difference?

You know the clichés about children being the future; they will be running the world one day. The children of today will be making decisions for us that will affect us in our retirement. They will be deciding if we should go to war, how taxes should be spent, what the country’s priorities will be. […]
Reality Therapy – is it Still Relevant? You Decide

In 1965, Dr. William Glasser developed a counseling method called Reality Therapy. Beyond being an effective counseling technique, Reality Therapy is a problem-solving method. Not only does it work well with people who want help solving their problems, it also works well with those who are mandated for help and appear to not want any […]
Leadership & Teamwork

Strong, positive teamwork begins with a leader who has a vision and the ability to inspire a team into working toward accomplishing that vision. Instead of feeling threatened by the expertise and diversity of his or her team, a good team leader engages teammates in a discussion about what quality looks like and what is […]
Changing Corporate Culture from Coercion to Cooperation
The management style of the industrial age no longer suits the informational age. The bureaucratic, top down, authoritarian style is not effective with today’s workers. People are no longer motivated by rewards or fear of punishment as much as by being connected to the bigger purpose, having need-satisfying work, and exercising their independence and creativity.