Take a Chance Day… or Not

“Take a Chance Day” was on April 20, and it inspired me to consider risk within a Choice Theory basic needs framework. I call Glasser’s five basic needs the need […]

Social Wellness Month

July was declared Social Wellness Month designed by mental health professionals to underscore the importance of strengthening relationships and to empower people to prioritize their own mental health. There is […]

Becoming Flawsome

Becoming Flawsome is an Amazon bestseller already and was written by Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani. I first became aware of it through Marci Shimoff and I loved the concept. It reminded me […]

Choice Coaching

Choice Coaching is a method of coaching based on Dr. William Glasser’s Reality Therapy® and Choice Theory® psychology. It is built on the fundamental idea that people are able to […]

What to Consider when Hiring a Counselor


April is Counseling Awareness Month, and while I’m pretty sure that most of you are aware of counseling, do you know how to be a good consumer of counseling services? […]

Improve Your Mental and Emotional Health

October is Mental Health Awareness and Emotional Awareness Month. When I heard that, I thought to myself, What’s the difference? I always thought that if you are mentally healthy, then […]

The Why of Mental Freedom

Recently, someone asked what my reasons are for developing Mental Freedom®. I don’t know if I can pinpoint just one—there are many. As so often happens when important things are […]

Basic Human Needs: Superpower & Dark Side

In Dr. William Glasser’s Choice Theory® psychology, he proposes that all humans have five basic needs. While we all share these same five needs, we each have a specific need-strength […]

Grief: Finding the GLOW


If you follow this blog, you’ve likely read about finding the GLOW® (gifts, lessons, opportunities and wisdom) in our challenging life situations. Recently, a reader asked me to write more […]