Black History Month: The Shortest Month of the Year

Black History Month

Black Lives Matter. It is clear that our society operates with the understanding “white lives matter.” As for blue lives, frankly, they don’t exist, as it is a uniform you can shed, unlike Black skin. In reality, both responses are a resistance to the affirmation that needs to be spoken out loud—especially by those with […]

Civility: a Win


Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these Civility -Where is it? The month of August, deemed Win with Civility Month, promotes and celebrates taking the high road. Everywhere I look these days, I see so many situations that need […]

Black Lives Matter: Responsibility & Response-ability

Black Lives Matter

I had a conversation with someone today about Black Lives Matter, not surprising since I write about it almost daily on my personal Facebook page ( We discussed why there are so many older white males, in particular, fighting the concept of Black Lives Matter. The person posed that the opposite of love is hate […]

Listen for Understanding: Effective Communication


It’s probably not well known that June is designated Effective Communication Month. Even while effective communication is one of the most important pieces of a solid relationship, two people in a relationship might not share the same idea of what that is. When most people think of communication, they think of the typical exchange between […]