Reality Therapy – is it Still Relevant? You Decide

Post traumatic stress

In 1965, Dr. William Glasser developed a counseling method called Reality Therapy. Beyond being an effective counseling technique, Reality Therapy is a problem-solving method. Not only does it work well […]

Choice Theory

As one of my readers, you’ve likely encountered the phrase Choice Theory, but it’s possible you’ve missed out on the details. Choice Theory is an explanation of all human behavior […]

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour

Kim Olver is a coach, counselor and director of the William Glasser Institute. My organization is cosponsoring a great conference with her July 26-29, 2017, including a full-day workshop on […]

Board Certified Coaching Program

If you are a licensed counselor and would like to get your Board Certified Coach credential, you will need a 30-hour program approved by the Center for Credentialing and Education. Academy of Choice may be just the program you are looking for!

Headaches and Depression: Are they linked?

A new study came out documenting a correlation between headaches and depression. The logical question now is do headaches cause depression or does depression cause headaches? As long as we ask that cause and effect question, we will miss the third causative agent of both–unhappy relationships.

Take Charge of Your Life Book Review

Dr. William Glasser’s latest book, Take Charge of Your Life, is a great book for people who want to take responsibility for their own happiness instead of waiting for others to change so they can be happy.

Leadership: Majority Rules or Concensus

This is one time when I don’t have an opinion of what’s right or wrong. I really don’t know the answer to this challenge. Is there anyone out there who operates everything based on consensus? How long does it take? Is the time worth it? Are there keys to moving more quickly toward consensus? What are the benefits of using majority rules instead?