Mental Freedom®: Unconditional Trust Challenge

I have been studying Choice Theory for more than 30 years, and there has always been the concept that people are doing their best in any given situation with the information available to them. I ascribed to that statement for much of those 30 years. We had a colleague, Diane Gossen, who spoke of people […]

Veterans Deserve our Respect


Today is Veterans Day and I had trouble thinking of anything else to write about other than the men and women of our military whom I greatly respect. Before my son, Kyle, joined the Army National Guard in 2003, I took our military for granted. I was born in 1960, and so was a young […]

Soldiers: Show your Appreciation this week

remember our troops

I wish you a wonderful holiday season, filled with gratitude for all you have and the things and people you love. During this holiday season, have you considered the many people celebrating in a foreign country without their loved ones? And those loved ones who are here without their spouses, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, […]

Domestic Violence and Choice Theory


Domestic Violence – violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. Are you being hurt by someone who’s supposed to love you? Do you think you are asking for it? Do you live in fear of it happening again? Will you stay or will you go? […]

Without Them, Who Are You?

alone journaling writing

If you are interested in creating the relationship you deserve, you must first become the best person you can be. Relationships generally begin when both people are in the “Alone Stage,” but what should a person do with this time alone? Each of our past relationships provided us with lessons and information we need to […]

Torn between Getting Divorced and Trying One More Time?

There is no easy way to determine whether or not you have done all you can to prevent a divorce because the answer to this question is so individualized. Kyle Cease says, “No one breaks your heart, they break your expectations.” Think about that incredibly profound statement! Anytime you have been hurt or disappointed in your life, it is truly because someone did not do what you expected them to do. End of story!