Empathy for the Used and Abused

mental health

Stormy Daniels has been in the news for testifying against former president Donald Trump, and I am hearing a lot of news commentators, politicians and general people weigh in about the veracity of Ms. Daniels’ story, particularly since she is in the adult film industry. People are saying she must be lying. Since she has […]

PTSD: Reducing the Stigma


Those of you who follow my work know that I often stand on a soapbox regarding post-traumatic stress. You may have heard me make the case for not calling it a disorder, or you might have read about, what I call, post-traumatic GLOW. Today, I want to talk about reducing the stigma. There are four […]

Mental Distress and Substance Disorders: An Alternative View

mental distress

Mental Distress and Substance Disorders: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has designated September as National Recovery Month to celebrate the people who are in recovery, while increasing awareness and understanding of mental and substance use disorders. This is no easy task and I applaud you if you are in recovery. Twelve-step […]

G.L.O.W.:Transforming Post Traumatic Stress


G.L.O.W. stands for gifts, lessons, opportunities and wisdom. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Day is celebrated on June 27th.  However, I don’t include the word ‘disorder’ when I talk about Post Traumatic Stress. It is not a disorder to experience stress after trauma. In fact, I’d be more worried about you if you were […]

Trauma Awareness and Coronavirus


Since May is Trauma Awareness Month, it only seems right to examine the trauma essential workers are experiencing as they navigate their jobs during this coronavirus outbreak. As states are beginning to relax restrictions to get the economy moving, many of those on the frontlines are going to experience post-traumatic stress from the trauma of […]

Soldiers: Show your Appreciation this week

remember our troops

I wish you a wonderful holiday season, filled with gratitude for all you have and the things and people you love. During this holiday season, have you considered the many people celebrating in a foreign country without their loved ones? And those loved ones who are here without their spouses, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, […]

Post Traumatic Stress

Post traumatic stress

Did you know June is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) month? When Choice Theory and Dr. Glassser’s views on mental health, I often use PTS as an example. No, that wasn’t a typo—I will never refer to PTS as a disorder. When people experience a seriously traumatic event in their lives without undergoing stress, I […]