Global Day of Parents

The first of June was declared the Global Day of Parents by the United Nations. In my experience, there is no greater love than the love parents have for their children. Parents deserve to be celebrated. It’s the one job almost everyone can do with zero training—other than the parenting we, ourselves, received as children. […]

Children-Runaway Prevention


November is National Runaway Prevention Month. No one wants to hear of children running away from home and it’s an incredibly complex issue. Some teens run because they are being abused at home. Others run because they have been tempted by freedom. Some run to be with a romantic interest. And some haven’t run at […]

Family is Foundational


What does the word ‘family’ mean to you? For some people, the word conjures up feelings of comfort, protection and love. For others, it may conjure up feelings of lacking, unpredictability and fear. There are those family members we share DNA with and family we choose to connect with. Who is in your family? What […]

Self-Sabotage & You


I have been a coach for a group of high-significance people who are writing books, and almost each person experienced self-sabotage at some point along the way. The self-sabotage comes from stories we tell ourselves that are based on messages given to us from others before we were old enough to tell the truth from […]

Parenting Q & A

Q: My son has quite a penchant for telling stories. His vocabulary is amazing, not just for his age but for any adult! This is not just motherly pride talking, he truly has a gift. I encourage him to write but he tells me he hates to write. Any ideas on what I should do? […]

Book Review: Choice Parenting

Choice Parenting by Richard Primason, PhD Dr. Primason writes a very compelling book for parents outlining concrete examples of how parents can apply Choice Theory to their parenting practices. His writing is very clear, with a common sense approach. He doesn’t promise miracles, but he does offer a way for parents to get what they […]

Parenting Tip

There are three ways we can approach our children. We can do things to them. We can do things for them and we can do things with them. Can you already guess which is the one I will advocate? You’re right. We need to do more things with our children in a cooperative and connecting […]