Setting Goals that Fit Your Personality Part I

goal setting

When it comes to setting goals, most people tend to focus on the areas society urges and expects us to without regard for what’s truly important to us. I’m proposing that this a flawed path toward goal attainment. People need to consider their five basic needs: which ones are most important and which ones are […]

Become a Coach

30-hour Academy of Choice Coaching Program - Olver International

Coaching is a field that’s been rapidly expanding over the past two decades. Not only is it a profession, but also an important skill for people in leadership positions. Coaching requires an understanding of human motivation. Much research has been done to determine what motivates people. While you can motivate someone with external rewards or […]

Rewarding Your Children to Get Compliance is Not the Best Idea

Boy with cookie

As parents, when it comes to discipline, there are many methods we may employ. While there is no perfect way to parent, there are many popular practices that not only can harm the relationship you share with your children, but also harm their ability to grow into a responsible, self-disciplined adult. To reinforce the behavior […]

Five Solutions for Resistant Employees

As someone who does a lot of leadership training, I am surprised by how training is frequently used as the solution for all staff problems when something else might be more effective. The main factor of success involves doing a proper assessment of the situation, so before we can get to the solutions, we must understand the root causes. W. Edwards Deming says, “If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing.”

Weight Loss Q&A

Q: How does a person stay motivated to continue on a weight loss path after working the program for a few months? A: This is an excellent question. Commonsense tells us that working the program and losing the weight should be motivational enough. If you are actually seeing results and usually the results are significant […]