Universal Human Rights in the USA

December is a global celebration of Universal Human Rights month. Perhaps I am being an alarmist, but I fear 2024 may be the last year Universal Human Rights will be celebrated in the country I have called home my entire life—the United States of America. First, the name “United States” feels like a lie. We […]
Do You Enjoy Basic Human Rights?

December is Universal Human Rights Month, with several individual observances throughout. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was drafted by representatives from various legal and cultural backgrounds and proclaimed by the United Nations on December 10, 1948—75 years ago. Why, then, are we still seeing abominations of human rights around the world in 2023? […]
Civility: a Win

Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these Civility -Where is it? The month of August, deemed Win with Civility Month, promotes and celebrates taking the high road. Everywhere I look these days, I see so many situations that need […]
Universal Human Rights Month

While December is Universal Human Rights Month, December 10 marks the 71st anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In the absence of total peace, this issue will always be crucial. As a human race, we are supposed to know better. Before you dismiss me as a bleeding-heart liberal, please look […]