3-Steps to Survive an Affair

When I did the research for my Secrets of Happy Couples book, I learned that 87% of the respondents had answered that they had never had an intimate relationship outside their primary committed relationship with their partners. These were couples who had been together at least ten years, with both identifying that they were happy […]
Forgiveness: Who Do You Need to Forgive?

July 7 is Global Forgiveness Day. It was created in 1994 by the Christian Embassy of Christ’s Ambassadors, but forgiveness applies to all people regardless of religion. It is a day to inspire the act and receiving of forgiveness. If you are seeking spiritual or religious forgiveness, then that is between you and the Divine. I […]
Happy Holidays

This holiday season, my two seven-year-old grandsons shared with me the meaning of Christmas from their perspectives. Logan told me he discovered the real meaning of Christmas. When I asked him what it was, he responded, “It’s not about the presents. It’s really about forgiveness. You are supposed to forgive people who have been mean […]
To Forgive or Not to Forgive: That is the Question

Most people would agree that forgiving others is a good thing to do, but why is that? First, let’s define forgiveness. Some people say that forgiving means letting go of the hurt, anger, and frustration caused by another individual. It is very important to let go of these emotions so you do not poison yourself […]
Adultery and Forgiveness
Trust is the behavior you choose when you want a healthy, connected relationship. When you choose trust, you simultaneously let go of the need to punish your partner. You will stop blaming, criticizing, and stalking your partner—you’ll let go of the idea that they’ll cheat again. You extend your trust because you want to be a trusting person in a trusting relationship.
5 Tips to Strengthen Your Relationship
Today I was asked for five tips for improving the love between spouses but I would extend my answer to any loving, committed relationship.
1. Love as if this could be your partner’s last day on earth.
When Is It OK to Violate Your Partner’s Privacy?
This question was posed today in a relationship forum. When do you think it’s all right to violate your partner’s privacy?