Thanksgiving 2024


I love the end of the year because I always do a gratitude blog for Thanksgiving, a lessons learned blog for December, and a goals blog in January. It serves as a fantastic way to organize myself year by year. Since it’s 2024, I will share 24 items; I doubt anyone would read it if […]

Are You Struggling in Your Relationship Over Differences

As a couple’s counselor, I have noticed some patterns with my clients that can lead to challenges and they center around misunderstood differences. When two people fall in love, commit to each other and try to build a life together, there are many issues that can arise, especially when they each have differences they don’t […]

Family of the Heart

With the holiday season approaching, many of us are making plans to be with family or are longing for family and unable to get home. While this is true for many in the world, what about those who don’t find spending time with their families something to look forward to? If you are someone fortunate […]

Work/Life Balance: A New Model

Angry girl

With September being designated as “Self-Improvement Month,” I wanted to write about a new model for work/life balance. Forget about trying to achieve some magical balancing point between your life and your work. It’s arbitrary at best. Instead, strive for life balance by balancing your needs. According to Choice Theory® psychology, everyone is born with […]

Family Fun in August

family fun

August is National Family Fun Month. It acts as a great reminder to enjoy some time with your kiddos before they return to school. Don’t have kids? It’s still a great time to create and plan fun with extended family members, whether it’s with your birth family, adoptive family or family of choice. Family fun […]

Veterans Deserve our Respect


Today is Veterans Day and I had trouble thinking of anything else to write about other than the men and women of our military whom I greatly respect. Before my son, Kyle, joined the Army National Guard in 2003, I took our military for granted. I was born in 1960, and so was a young […]

Foster Care: Do you have what it takes?

foster care

May is Foster Care Awareness Month. Foster care is a strong interest and personal cause of mine. I spent 17 years working with a specialized foster care agency in Pennsylvania. I loved the work and the kids I met during my tenure, even though there were some practices that created more harm than good. It […]

Radical Responsibility-It’s Time

radical responsibility

Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these After spending more than 30 years teaching Choice Theory and 10 years as the executive director of the Glasser Institute for Choice Theory – US, I have decided it’s time for a […]

Soldiers: Show your Appreciation this week

remember our troops

I wish you a wonderful holiday season, filled with gratitude for all you have and the things and people you love. During this holiday season, have you considered the many people celebrating in a foreign country without their loved ones? And those loved ones who are here without their spouses, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, […]

Military Family Sacrifice

military family

Military Family Appreciation month is celebrated in November. In honor of military families, I’d like to give you a sense of what some military families go through before, during and after a deployment. Military deployment typically means a military member received orders that send him or her away from home. I say typically because there are […]