Stress Awareness and Resilience


Stress is something we can’t seem to avoid. We have relationship, financial, work and health stressors everywhere, and that’s before factoring in the current pandemic which has, to date, killed 554,000 people in the U.S. alone. That’s a ton of stress. Why do some people seem to manage stress better than others? Is it because […]

Black Lives Matter: Responsibility & Response-ability

Black Lives Matter

I had a conversation with someone today about Black Lives Matter, not surprising since I write about it almost daily on my personal Facebook page ( We discussed why there are so many older white males, in particular, fighting the concept of Black Lives Matter. The person posed that the opposite of love is hate […]

Healthy Relationships: Knowing When to Stay

healthy relationship

A Healthy Relationship …what does that look like? As a relationship counselor, one of the biggest problems I see is that people in relationships are under the mistaken impression that their partner is supposed to meet their needs for them. This stems from the romantic notion that when two people get together, they mysteriously become […]

Allies: 10 Ways You Can Fight Discrimination & Oppression

What is an ally? says: “It used to be that when we spoke of allies, it was most likely in a military sense, referring to countries formally banded together, usually by treaty, to fight against their enemies. Today, though, the word is used more broadly. “What does ally mean today? “An ALLY, ultimately from a Latin […]

Choice Theory and Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures

I am always grateful for meaningful learning opportunities, but I generally prefer them more when I don’t look like an idiot in the process! I have been traveling in Asia and was repeatedly struck by people’s concerns about pleasing their parents, even parents that are quite controlling. I have written a book about diversity, yet […]