Trauma & Choice Theory


Because Dr. Glasser taught that focusing on the past is futile, some people might think that discussing trauma as a Choice Theory practitioner is discouraged. I disagree. When we experience a traumatic event, our sympathetic nervous system is activated. This releases our stress hormones—cortisol and adrenaline—during the fight or flight response. Typically, our first response […]

Counselors Turned Coaches: Lessons Learned

I hang out with a lot of counselors, therapists and social workers, and many of them are discouraged about the same things: clients who don’t seem to want to make progress, involuntary clients who come kicking and screaming, the long hours of supervision required to get one’s license, the amount of time spent doing paperwork […]

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour

Kim Olver is a coach, counselor and director of the William Glasser Institute. My organization is cosponsoring a great conference with her July 26-29, 2017, including a full-day workshop on July 26 with me and Bob Whitaker (, click on Upcoming Events). The show with Kim focuses on what people really need to have good […]

Academy of Choice

Coaching is different from counseling. A counselor helps people with serious issues. Most counseling is done in person; coaching is often done by phone. Counselors work with clients who often have diagnoses from the DSM, while coaches work with clients more in the area of self-growth and development. Coaches do not provide emergency services.