Aging: Do it actively & with positivity

I find it somewhat ironic that I discovered this week, October 5-11, is Active Aging Week and it is also the week I turn 60, a decade after receiving my first AARP card. I don’t know if this is normal… I don’t talk about it with a lot of people, but while I realize I’m […]
Couples Appreciation Month during Coronavirus

Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these In honor of April being Couples’ Appreciation Month, let’s discuss what people in a committed relationship can do to appreciate one another during coronavirus. These are interesting times and people need to […]
Obliterate Stress during the Pandemic

Well, what do you know—it is Stress Awareness Month in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. What could be more stressful than a crisis with no end in sight? Of course, it’s bringing stress into our awareness in a big way. What is stress, really? Of course, we all know it’s a physiological response to […]
Coronavirus: Stages of Grief

I intended to write about something other than coronavirus this week, but as the severity of the situation drastically increased, I feel compelled to write about the reality of most people in the world. I find it interesting how the world’s reaction to coronavirus parallels Kubler-Ross’s stages of grief. I’ve learned that the process of […]
Coronavirus-Avoiding Despair

I can’t imagine a place in the world that isn’t aware of this pandemic called COVID-19, the newest coronavirus. It doesn’t care if you are young, old, male, female, an immigrant, a national, a billionaire, homeless, Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Agnostic. This virus infects whomever it comes in contact with. Even if you are normally […]