Life Coaching: Transform Information into the Power of Implementation

Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these Ask almost anyone if knowledge is power and they will answer yes—but I say knowledge is not power! People who are overweight know they need to eat healthier and exercise, but that […]
Coaching: A Day in the Life

Have you ever wondered what a coach does in an average day? While I haven’t done any research on the subject, I can tell you about a day in my life. I’m not sure if I even consider myself an average coach or not. I do not coach people all day long—not in the traditional […]
How to Improve Your Physical and Emotional Health
InsideOut Empowerment Principle #6: Much of our health, both physical and emotional, is strongly affected by our actions and our thoughts, both of which we have the power to change. If you don’t like the emotions you are experiencing or your current state of health, you can indirectly affect change by changing your actions and/or your thinking.
InsideOut Empowerment
InsideOut Empowerment is a revolutionary process designed to free your mind, open your heart and transform your life. It takes you on a journey from where you are now to emotional freedom, inner peace, strength and happiness. Do you have hopes, goals and dreams you keep striving for but never reach? Freeing your mind of self-sabotage is the answer. Do you have relationships with others that aren’t going the way you want, whether it’s at home, at work or in your community? Opening your heart is the answer. Do you feel like you are at the mercy of circumstances beyond your control, other people, your character, or your emotions. It’s time to transform your life.
Men’s Top Ten List of What NOT to do in Relationships Continued
Today, I am going to finish up the second half of the men’s Top Ten List of what NOT to do in Relationships: 6. Yell at your partner as if you were her father. 7. Take every word she says literally. Women, when upset, tend to speak in absolutes, such as “You NEVER listen to […]