Radical Responsibility-It’s Time

radical responsibility

Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these After spending more than 30 years teaching […]

Wealth: Develop Your Own Brand

Family vacation

Most people define wealth financially by measuring net worth, investment accounts, salary, IRAs, real estate properties and so on. With financial wealth comes a lifestyle with all its trappings. But […]

Choice Theory Language

Learning Choice Theory and applying it in your life will help empower you by focusing on the things you have the power to influence or change instead of focusing on […]

Change Either/Or Thinking to Both/And Please

InsideOut Empowerment Principle #7: People often see their choices as either/or choices, creating imagined dilemmas and forced choices. For as long as I can remember, my family serves both pumpkin and apple pie for dessert on Thanksgiving. The question is always, “Do you want pumpkin or apple pie?” I want to know why I can’t have both? Now that’s a simple example with a simple solution. Think of some things you force yourself into a choice over when it would be possible for you to have both. For example, I want to eat chocolate/I want to lose weight; I want to buy the things I want/I want to eliminate my credit card debt; I want people to like me/I want to be myself.

10 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. We will go to the doctor for a physical checkup but how many of us engage in a mental health checkup? The goals of my process, InsideOut Empowerment, provides us with ten things we can do to improve our well-being and increase our happiness.

Sexual Challenges in a Marriage

Question: We have been married 19 years, my hubby is paralyzed from the stomach down and sex has always been a major problem in our relationship. It has come to the point that I have to please myself and try and imagine him with me sexually.