Life is Short, Civility Matters, and Relationships are Essential

I don’t know about you, but I’m dissatisfied with the lack of civility these days. Civility is not about being “woke;” it’s about recognizing that people can be civil with one another despite holding different viewpoints. I don’t have to force you to think like me to make my views legitimate, and we don’t have […]

Civility: a Win


Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these Civility -Where is it? The month of August, deemed Win with Civility Month, promotes and celebrates taking the high road. Everywhere I look these days, I see so many situations that need […]

Connection & Self-Care


In my series on basic needs and self-care, I saved the best for last. I think Connection is the best—probably because it’s my highest personal need, but also because, out of the five needs, its fulfillment is the most important to your overall well-being. Everyone needs someone to love and someone to be loved by […]

Self-Sabotage & You


I have been a coach for a group of high-significance people who are writing books, and almost each person experienced self-sabotage at some point along the way. The self-sabotage comes from stories we tell ourselves that are based on messages given to us from others before we were old enough to tell the truth from […]

Our Subconscious and Racism

Through my work, I’ve learned about the strength of our subconscious mind and how we underestimate its power. Our subconscious holds many beliefs and opinions that actively affect our behavior, and most people are completely unaware. I just finished taking the Race Implicit Association Test (IAT) available online at I recommend you take it, […]

Self-Transformation: Five Steps to Becoming the Person You Want to Be

You might remember a time when those bracelets with the “WWJD?” inscription were popular. It was designed as a reminder for the wearer to act in a way he or she valued and wanted to emulate. This provided a path for Christians, but what about those who didn’t believe? Anyone can ask themselves a similar […]

Mindset: The First Step in Goal Attainment

Have you ever begun to make progress on accomplishing an important goal, only to have your drive taper off into nothingness after a short while? This happens to many of us. Science is only beginning to understand the how and why this happens, and consequently, we are only beginning to find ways to overcome this […]

Is It Time To Spring Clean Your Life?

In our fast-paced, throwaway society, it’s easy to just throw something away because you’ve had it a while or you’re just simply tired of it. When you spring clean your life, the question to ask yourself is whether or not each of these areas is serving you or if it’s time for something new! Here are 12 areas to consider.