

Apparently, August is a month all about romance. This week, August 8 to 14, is National Resurrect Romance Week; the entire month of August is Romance Awareness Month; and August 25 is National Kiss and Make Up Day. What’s up with all this romance in August? These designations serve as great reminders to think about […]

Gratitude: International Compliment Day


I have mixed feelings about today, February 24, being International Compliment Day. It is meant to celebrate the power of well-deserved compliments. A well-placed compliment can make a person’s day; it lets someone know that you see them and like or appreciate something about them. This is good, except when it isn’t. When can compliments […]

Appreciation for the G.L.O.W.-Mental Freedom®


Appreciation for the G.L.O.W. is a four-step process that helps you on your path to Mental Freedom®. Each month, I have been dedicating one of my blog posts to my new Mental Freedom® Experience. This month, I’d like to expand the concept of Appreciation that can come after discovering and accepting the G.L.O.W., which is […]

Mental Freedom®- Start Here

mental freedom

Mental Freedom®: “Free your mind, open your heart and transform your life.” Our minds are filled with rules, beliefs, values and other information we picked up as children, into adulthood and still today. Some of it serves us but much of it doesn’t. I have developed a system for freeing your mind so you can […]

Couples Appreciation Month during Coronavirus


Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these In honor of April being Couples’ Appreciation Month, let’s discuss what people in a committed relationship can do to appreciate one another during coronavirus. These are interesting times and people need to […]

Relationships-How great is yours?


Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these A bit more than a decade ago, I realized I wanted to write a book on relationships, and two years after that, Secrets of Happy Couples was published in 2011. There were […]

Awesome Appreciation-Are you ready?

Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these I believe it is time for a social movement—a revolution, if you will. I’m calling it Radical Responsibility and Awesome Appreciation. It is based on the work of many giants who have […]