Special 7 Session Coaching
Special Coaching Package for New Choice Coaches Only

- You get first-hand knowledge of what it’s like to be on the receiving end of coaching.
- You will gain increased empathy for clients in a way that can’t happen without you experiencing coaching yourself.
- You will be able to accomplish your goals faster than you would without a coach.
- You will have an accountability partner as you get started with your coaching practice.
- You will be able to critique a master Choice coach while he or she is working with you.
- You will have access to an Choice coach you may want to emulate.
- You will gain focus and clarity you wouldn’t get on your own.
- You will gain focus and clarity you wouldn’t get on your own.
- You will have the opportunity to work through any fears or subconscious sabotage you are using to hold yourself back from accomplishing your greatness.
- You will be expected to do and be your best, without excuses.
- You will learn to earn more while working less and stay operating in your core genius and bliss.
- $497
- $175
You already know the value of InisdeOut Empowerment™ for your clients. I know you have been implementing it your own life. It’s too irresistible not to. I already know you could do that by yourself without any help from us, but why should you have to? You know how much easier and more productive things can be with a coach. And you’ve learned how difficult it is to undercover self-sabotage alone. You can’t always “see” yourself and you can avoid many pitfalls and traps by having an objective observer to your progress.
I have had several coaches throughout my years of coaching. I started with a coach who helped me stay motivated and committed the first year of coaching when I only earned $30,000. Then I hired a business building coach who prepared me to position my business for success and double my income twice within my first three years of coaching. Next was a marketing coach because I didn’t know what I was doing wrong. I wasn’t closing deals. Currently I am working with a coach for accountability because it’s easy for me to jump from one project to another. I’m a great starter but needed accountability to become a great finisher. She has helped me the most and I plan to continue with her for a long time in the future.
All you have to do to qualify for this special coaching package is to purchase it within 90 days of investing in Academy of Choice’s Choice Coaching™ program.
Our normal price is $125/hour for our coaching graduates so this special 7-hour coaching package is priced at $497, which is less than $75/hour. You reap a savings of $378! You do not have to use your seven hours in seven consecutive weeks. You can spread it out as long as you like and use 30 or 45 minute sessions, whatever you choose until your seven hours have completely been used. You may even use your time for case consultation if that is what would be most valuable to you.
- $497
- $175
Also, in your coaching program, Module 6C involves completing our Goal Attainment eBook. This requirement will be waived if you invest in this New Coach Coaching Program. You will be working on Goal Attainment with your coach. You will have to purchase this coaching package before you can get your Academy of Choice Certificate should you want to waive the Goal Attainment requirement.
If you are a coach, then you must be aware of the research that shows when you add coaching to training, the retention rate increases from 20% for training alone to 80%! [Elaine Rogers writes at http://tweakyourbiz.com/management/2009/11/20/training-vs-coaching/] Wouldn’t you like to get that return on your investment in this coaching program?
I know the last thing you want to do after completing your coaching program is to expend more money. You are ready to start making money. Investing this money in your future coaching practice is an investment that will pay dividends. We will make this so affordable by offering you a three-payment payment plan of $175 each.
You know I’m highly invested in your success. You have completed my training program, using my InsideOut Empowerment process to become an Choice Coach. My reputation is contingent upon your success. This is why we are offering such a great deal for you on this New Coach Coaching Package. But because it’s such a great deal, we can’t offer it forever. You have until 90 days from the date you purchased your coaching program to take advantage of this offer. After that, it will no longer be available to you.
Why not get the coaching you need to develop the proper habits from the start instead of creating bad habits that will take even more time to undo before you can implement corrective action? Start right.
And there’s more . . . If you take advantage of this offer, we will give you a coupon for $100 good toward any CEU credits, future coaching or supervision from the Academy of Choice that you can use within the next two years. If you don’t think you will use it yourself, you may transfer it to someone else. That’s like getting this 7-hour coaching package for only $397—that’s less than $60/hour.!
And if you aren’t completely satisfied with the quality of coaching you get from our Choice Coaches and your progress, you will have the opportunity to request one coach change and if you still aren’t satisfied, then we will refund your money, no questions asked, if you request it within six months of purchasing this New Coach Coaching package.
Claim your special 7-hour New Coach Coaching Package below to help you take your business to the next level!
Remember our definition of success:
Success is being able to affect the change in your life that you want, while gracefully accepting, and even appreciating, those things that come your way that you didn’t want originally.
Coaching will help you do that. Don’t forget your $100 coupon.