Choice Theory/Reality Therapy Advanced Practicum


Have you completed your Advanced Intensive Training in Choice Theory and Reality Therapy with a coach other than Kim? 

The Olver International Advanced Practicum in Choice Theory and Reality Therapy is the fourth step in the process of becoming certified in CT/RT.  The biggest benefit to coming this far is that you are learning to break free from the external control psychology that dominates much of the world today, and work toward using Choice Theory, the internal control psychology, in every aspect of your life. This is a process that requires time and guidance to become successful. The advanced practicum is also designed to prepare you for certification, your fifth and final step in the certification process.


This is the fourth step in the process of being certified in CT/RT. The next steps to complete your training and gain certification include:

  • Once you have completed both courses and the practicums, you will have all the pieces you need in order to apply for certification to your local WGI Member Organization..


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