Leveraging Diversity At Work
Leveraging Diversity At Work
A diverse workforce is one of your greatest assets, yet precious few companies have learned to leverage its power. Beyond recruitment and hiring, many businesses fall short when it comes to retention and motivation of the diverse workforce they worked so hard to employ. For minority employees, the missing piece is often a strong sense of self and an appreciation for who they are and what they offer.
Leveraging Diversity at Work goes beyond calling for diversity to give business leaders the knowledge and tools they need to profit from our differences. Minority workers will also find real-world inspiration for contributing to their company’s vision, mission and success.
This book helps companies who understand the value of diversity to build, retain and leverage the diverse workforce they need to be competitive in this country, as well as the global market. The book starts in the very beginning where most books and training programs don’t. Before any executive can implement long term organizational change, the company must ensure the cooperation and conviction of its employees. I am reminded of the saying, “If you think you are leading and no one is following, then you are just out for a walk.”
You’ll learn how to:
- Move beyond “valuing” diversity to leveraging its power
- Get buy-in from everyone before imposing diversity initiatives
- Reduce turnover by keeping people motivated to perform
- Eliminate stagnation at entry-level positions
- Convert “equal opportunity” to an advantage at upper levels of management
- Ensure follow-through on training and program implementation
Leveraging Diversity at Work lays the foundation for the transformational work that must be done first with every member of a company. First of all, the members of the majority culture—in the business community that is generally white, upper middle class males—must understand the reason why managing diversity is in the company’s best interest. Then, they must develop some empathy for what it truly is like for members of the minority culture. Only after that inside out work is accomplished will a managing diversity program be effective. Without the internal mindset sift, any diversity initiatives will be undermined, either consciously or subconsciously by the majority culture and those in positions of power.
Another thing that makes this book unique is that it addresses the responsibility of minorities in creating an environment where diversity is valued. Until members of a minority culture can embrace who they are and recognize the true value that they bring to the table, it makes it difficult for others to value what they have to offer. This book helps minorities develop a strong sense of self and an appreciation for what they have and who they are so that they can solidly add to their company’s vision, mission and strategic planning.
Leveraging Diversity at Work: How to Hire, Retain and Inspire a Diverse Workforce for Peak Performance and Profit is the book that will truly assist companies in their journey toward cultural competence and a true sense of valuing diversity from both a personal and business perspective.
This Book Is a Great Investment:
We designed this book with you in mind. We know you are busy. We know how tedious it can be to read some of the technical business books that are out there. We wrote our book in storytelling style so it will be something you will enjoy reading. This won’t be a book you buy and then leave sitting on your shelf.
The book starts in the very beginning where most books and training programs don’t. Before any executive can implement long term organizational change, the company must ensure the cooperation and conviction of its employees. I am reminded of the saying, “If you think you are leading and no one is following, then you are just out for a walk.”
Leveraging Diversity at Work lays the foundation for the transformational work that must be done first with every member of a company. First of all, the members of the majority culture—in the business community that is generally white, upper middle class males—must understand the reason why managing diversity is in the company’s best interest. Then, they must develop some empathy for what it truly is like for members of the minority culture. Only after that inside out work is accomplished will a managing diversity program be effective. Without the internal mindset sift, any diversity initiatives will be undermined, either consciously or subconsciously by the majority culture and those in positions of power.
Yes, you can regulate behavior as long as you are there to “catch” people when they aren’t behaving as you’d like, but if you want true compliance with diversity incentives, then you must create an environment where workers understand the value and importance of embracing differences. Our book starts in that very place.
All Employees will Develop an Understanding of Their Own Culture and Biases:
Many companies have avoided diversity training that really gets at the root of the issues because when they look around at their workers, everyone seems to be getting along fine. There doesn’t seem to be much disharmony on the surface and they are afraid to talk about differences because that may “stir up things.” Well, in order to stir things up, there must be something there to stir in the first place!
We all have cultural values and influences that determine our behavior on a moment-to-moment basis. Most of these things occur on such an automatic, nonconscious level that we are really at the mercy of our early conditioning. Bringing these issues to consciousness and closely examining them is the only way to really impact our thinking and subsequently, our behaviors from the inside out.
When done well, good diversity initiatives provide a road map for the entire company or organization to follow. This creates a workplace where everyone is aware of the direction of the company and understands his or her role in supporting that vision. Everyone can be on the same page at the same time.
When employees have experienced the type of preparation this book endorses, then they will have the internal motivation to embrace difference. You won’t have to be standing over their shoulder to get them to cooperate. External supervision will not be necessary for most employees.
Leveraging Diversity At Work Will you Assist You in Creating a Profitable Workforce Environment
This book will help you assess the strengths of your company as it is now and provide you with action steps for the future to improve what already exists. Ensure follow-through on training and program implementation. You will have a direction and many concrete examples of where to go from here.
Leveraging Diversity at Work: How to Hire, Retain and Inspire a Diverse Workforce for Peak Performance and Profit is the book that will truly assist companies in their journey toward cultural competence and a true sense of valuing diversity from both a personal and business perspective.
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About the Authors
Kim Olver, MS, NCC, LPC has been involved with social service agencies since 1980, holding a variety of positions from case manager to Assistant Executive Director to Director of Training & Development. She has consulted on training, leadership development, diversity, treatment programs and management styles. She has a graduate degree in counseling.
Sylvester Baugh has been involved in the field of training and communications since 1980. He worked over 20 years for Aunt Martha’s, a full service child welfare program, where he fulfilled many positions. He has done training for various agencies, including United Airlines, in the fields of diversity, bullying, communication skills, and negotiation. He has a degree in communications.
Marcus C. Gentry is the founder and president of A MasterMind Creation (AMC), and is the founder and creator of the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Academy and Program, which uses a combination of scientifically research-based methods and principles that produces a practical and commonsense approach to successful living and induces lifelong learning with a focus on race-specific areas. He is truly an empowerment expert with keen insight into the needs of minorities in the United States.
If you wonder what it takes to be happy as a couple, this book is for you. Kim uses real life stories, survey data, and practical skills; all of which point to success. Olver is breaking exciting new ground.” —
Gary Chapman, Ph.D.
Self-love is the secret ingredient to happy, thriving relationships. In the Secrets of Happy Couples, Kim Olver guides you to look beyond the roses and rings, and to establish a deep inner state of love as the foundation for a successful partnership.
Marci Shimoff
Secrets of Happy Couples provides a complete guide to relationships, starting before you are in one, taking you through the getting together, compatibility and maintenance stages while ending with how to manage the grief of a relationship ending, whether it be through death, divorce or a personal decision to separate. It’s brilliant. Olver provides a road map for success at any stage.
Gina Mollicone-Long
Secrets of Happy Couples has all we need to know about having successful intimate relationships. Simple, down to earth information will help any couple improve their lives. Kim possesses obvious deep insight into human nature that we can all benefit from. One could continue to find value in this book in all stages of life
Krisanna Jeffery
I wanted to say thank you for writing this book. I read the whole thing cover to cover over the weekend. I can honestly say it was an educational process and i have learned a lot. This has helped my relationship and me understand things that I didn’t before. I just wanted to let you know that this book has changed my life in a very positive way and regardless of the outcome of my relationship this book has had a great impact on my life. Thank you again for taking the time and the energy to write such a wonderful and educational book that had a really big impact on my life.
Alex Kuperman