Stop Lying Now

Relations with Baby girl and Lady

Even the most well-behaved children tend to lie. Sometimes the lies are about things that don’t really matter, but it can be frustrating when your child continues to lie in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. As a child, how many times were you told that you wouldn’t get into “as much” trouble […]

Self-Love without Parental Love


This month, the month of love, can cause singles to feel left out and depressed. Since Adam and Eve, people believe they’re supposed to be part of a couple, but sometimes, being single is exactly what a person is supposed to be. There are people who are happily single by choice and those who want […]

Global Day of Parents

The first of June was declared the Global Day of Parents by the United Nations. In my experience, there is no greater love than the love parents have for their children. Parents deserve to be celebrated. It’s the one job almost everyone can do with zero training—other than the parenting we, ourselves, received as children. […]

Foster Care: Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

foster care

In honor of National Foster Care Month, I wanted to write an article about the truth of foster care: There is a beautiful side of foster care and there is a diabolical side. I will write about both, as well as my opinion of what a great foster parent looks like and what foster children […]

Foster Care: Do you have what it takes?

foster care

May is Foster Care Awareness Month. Foster care is a strong interest and personal cause of mine. I spent 17 years working with a specialized foster care agency in Pennsylvania. I loved the work and the kids I met during my tenure, even though there were some practices that created more harm than good. It […]

Children-Runaway Prevention


November is National Runaway Prevention Month. No one wants to hear of children running away from home and it’s an incredibly complex issue. Some teens run because they are being abused at home. Others run because they have been tempted by freedom. Some run to be with a romantic interest. And some haven’t run at […]

Family Vacations: Fun and Fair for Everyone

Family vacation

It’s vacation season in the Northern Hemisphere and it’s got me reminiscing: I’ve been a part of some amazing family vacations and I’ve witnessed some horrific ones. I decided to have some fun and prepare a family vacation guide to help you create family vacations that are special for everyone in the family —including you, […]

Children: Make a Difference

Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these July is National Make a Difference to Children Month in the United States, yet children are living in concentration-like camps near the Mexico border. Anyone else find this ironic, or is it […]

Family is Foundational


What does the word ‘family’ mean to you? For some people, the word conjures up feelings of comfort, protection and love. For others, it may conjure up feelings of lacking, unpredictability and fear. There are those family members we share DNA with and family we choose to connect with. Who is in your family? What […]

Self-Esteem and Your Child


Self-esteem isn’t something you can give another person; it’s something they need to cultivate for themselves. However, the environment you create around children can make that task easy or difficult and anything in between. If you are a parent, an educator, or any position that works with children, you can make this task easier by […]