Truth Seekers

I often look at the many observances in a month for ideas of what to blog about. For the first time, I noticed two in March that grabbed my attention: Everything You Think is Wrong Day on March 15 and Everything You Do is Right Day on March 16. That strange juxtaposition sparked something within […]
The Head, Heart and Hands of Mental Freedom

In our many decades of working with people in the business world, clients of social services, and regular everyday people, one thing seems to be universally true: Everybody is dealing with life, and life can be hard. Many people don’t want others to know that they are struggling. Just look at your social media feeds—what […]
Mental Freedom® Promotes Emotional Wellness and a Positive Attitude

October is National Emotional Wellness and Positive Attitude Month. I would like to make a case that the two go hand-in-hand, and Mental Freedom® is a tool to develop and enhance both. Although it has the potential to help everyone, Mental Freedom was not created to address mental health diagnoses but for anyone who may […]
Who is Mental Freedom For?

When I recently spoke about Mental Freedom, the person I was talking with assumed that it is for people with mental health concerns. While I know people with mental health diagnoses could benefit from Mental Freedom, that is not who I created the program for. When I created Mental Freedom, I was considering highly competent […]
Preparing for a New Year

This year, as I am writing my fifth book, Mental Freedom, 2023 is unfolding as my year of preparation. I have always had a strong drive to create new material and products. It’s how I spend a lot of my time. This year, as I am planning to release a suite of Mental Freedom products in […]
Lessons from 2022

At the end of the year, I like to look back at the lessons I learned—they are always plentiful. I like to challenge the adage, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” This old dog loves learning new tricks! When the learning stops, my quality of life is greatly diminished. Here are 22 things […]
Improving Your Mental Health

If you read my last blog and have been wondering how to move along the mental health continuum from distress to peace, this is what you’ve been waiting for. Last time, I shared some ways to assess your mental health. This week, here are some simple concepts you can follow that will help you make […]
The Why of Mental Freedom

Recently, someone asked what my reasons are for developing Mental Freedom®. I don’t know if I can pinpoint just one—there are many. As so often happens when important things are developed, a whole collision of seemingly meaningless, disconnected events helps make it all happen. The creator’s job is to follow the path the Universe opens, […]
Relationships: Choices, Consequences & Responsibility

How many times have you thought you were intervening in someone’s life for their own good? This could look like giving hard-heard advice. Maybe you created a difficult or hurtful situation that you believed would help them in the long run. Or perhaps you coerced someone until they gave in and did what you thought […]
Expectations: The Relationship Killer

I can explain why people have expectations and how they can ruin relationships. I can suggest methods to help you manage those expectations and the subsequent disappointments. However, I can’t do the work for you—and it is hard work. First, you need to recognize your expectations are harmful. Second, you must decide to change your […]