Preparing for a New Year

This year, as I am writing my fifth book, Mental Freedom, 2023 is unfolding as my year of preparation. I have always had a strong drive to create new material and products. It’s how I spend a lot of my time. This year, as I am planning to release a suite of Mental Freedom products in […]
Family of the Heart

With the holiday season approaching, many of us are making plans to be with family or are longing for family and unable to get home. While this is true for many in the world, what about those who don’t find spending time with their families something to look forward to? If you are someone fortunate […]
COVID and the Holidays

There’s two days until Christmas, so it’s likely you’ve already made your holiday plans. The CDC, Dr. Fauci and many politicians and leaders are advocating staying home for the holidays. This is a challenging situation and one that, at least in the US, has been left to the individual and the honor system. Current statistics […]
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is a time when lovers around the world celebrate their love for each other… or is it? When couples have a healthy, loving relationship, they tend to celebrate their love every day. Loving each other is motivation to continue loving each other; it feeds itself. But there are people who aren’t happy in […]
Happy Holidays

This holiday season, my two seven-year-old grandsons shared with me the meaning of Christmas from their perspectives. Logan told me he discovered the real meaning of Christmas. When I asked him what it was, he responded, “It’s not about the presents. It’s really about forgiveness. You are supposed to forgive people who have been mean […]
How to Manage Holiday Stress
Are you plagued by holiday stress year after year? Do you feel as if you are a victim in all of this? Do you believe that you are the ONLY one in your household who is contributing to the success of the holiday? Let me share with you some ideas for making the holidays manageable. […]
19 Awesome Things to Do Alone
Happy New Year – Relax, Reflect, Rejuvenate, Renovate, Remind
As the world prepares to flip their calendars from 2016 to 2017, how will you prepare? Many people will celebrate by partying long into the night, watching the ball drop on Times Square in NYC, or having a quiet gathering with friends. Others will spend the day like any other day, doing whatever they do […]
Happy Holidays??
The holidays are more about being present rather than giving presents. How to reduce holiday stress so you can give the gift of your presence.