Goals for 2024

I love the start of a new year full of nothing but possibilities. If you’re like me and have a routine system for setting your annual goals at the beginning of the year, I bet you’re excited to dive into the possibilities of 2024. Planning out my year and listing my goals gives me a […]

Moving forward in your goals

While we’re in the midst of Mental Health Awareness month, I’d like to discuss thinking about mental health along a continuum from poor to excellent. Self-care and goal setting often happen on the healthier side of that continuum. Have you been attempting to make these kinds of changes and find yourself struggling with forward movement? […]

Preparing for a New Year

New year

This year, as I am writing my fifth book, Mental Freedom, 2023 is unfolding as my year of preparation. I have always had a strong drive to create new material and products. It’s how I spend a lot of my time. This year, as I am planning to release a suite of Mental Freedom products in […]

Make Your Dreams Come True Day

I’m so excited to learn that today, January 13, is officially “Make Your Dreams Come True Day.” Of course, no one has a genie in a bottle for rent. As William Johnson says, “If it is to be, it is up to me.” Today is a great day to get started by asking yourself what […]

Setting Goals that Fit Your Personality Type Part II


Last week, I wrote about Setting Goals that Fit your Personality Part I. It will be helpful for you to read that first here. When you consider setting your goals this year, start with the goals that will give you the most return on your investment, and I’m not talking financially, I’m talking psychologically and […]

Setting Goals that Fit Your Personality Part I

goal setting

When it comes to setting goals, most people tend to focus on the areas society urges and expects us to without regard for what’s truly important to us. I’m proposing that this a flawed path toward goal attainment. People need to consider their five basic needs: which ones are most important and which ones are […]